PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
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Università di Bologna  
Tuesday October 22, 2024
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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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Love the revolution

by: Sergio Rapetti
original title: Ama la rivoluzione!
published by
: Jaca Book
pp: 272
ISBN: 978-88-16-53001-0
price: € 18,00

Book's frontpage

Люби революцию (love the revolution) is the imperative followed by Gleb Nerzin, the protagonist of the first, inedited Solženicyn’s novel, written while in detention in 1948 and completed in 1958. Gleb is a 23-year-old conscript confined behind the lines, who wishes to go to the front. He wants to give its contribution to the defense of the Soviet motherland from the German invasion (we are in the summer of 1941) and to the ensuing Great Revolutionary War that will spread worldwide.
The protagonist will go through various stages, marking his disenchantment as soon as he is faced with the egoism that characterizes the reality of his imaginary "perfect world". His experiences represent a formative path that will train Gleb, who is an alter ego of the writer, for future challenges. Nerzin's adventures offer a panoramic viewpoint on the literary and spiritual universe of the great writer: Люби революцию is indeed an anticipation of Solženicyn’s  future work. This novel allows to discover Solženicyn’s  young soul that gives strength to his passionate and truthful story of a world in ferment: both on the dramatic and the comic side, where complex personal relationships are analyzed by an already mature Nerzin-Solzenicyn.
The dynamism of the work is accentuated by war landscapes: man, horses and "technique" in constant moving,  marked by the breath-taking horizons and starry skies of the Russian steppe.


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