PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday February 10, 2025
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

IECOB: Istituto per l'Europa Centro Orientale e Balcanica

The Institute for Central-Eastern and Balkan Europe is an independent research and analysis centre connected to the University of Bologna - Forlì Campus.

IECOB's logo


Founded in December 1995, the Istituto per l'Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica, University of Bologna, is based on an interdisciplinary and multinational network - the "Europe and the Balkans International Network" - of over 250 scholars from 36 European countries, the United States, Canada, Egypt, South Africa, India, Japan and Australia, which constitutes the Academic Board of the Institute and guarantees an international dimension to all its initiatives.
The Institute is located in Forlì, in headquarters provided by the Alma Mater-University of Bologna at Forlì Campus. The relations with the University have become stronger with the passing of years, because of the collaboration in promoting Master's Degree Programmes.
Since 1995 the Istituto has contributed to the training of more than 1900 graduate students at undergraduate and graduate level by promoting a yearly Summer School in Cervia, MA Programmes and vocational courses organised on its own or in cooperation with the University of Bologna. Thanks to the active cooperation with the "Europe and the Balkans International Network", the University of Bologna has just established a consortium and is going to launch a new Joint PhD Programme in "Diversity Management and Governance".



The most relevant aims of the Istituto per l'Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica are:

  • Developing basic and applied research with mainly political and economic focus on East-Central Europe and the Balkans for the needs of Ministries, public administrations, financial institutions, enterprises, and NGO's
  • Strengthening the education of young people from the EU, as well as Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe, and also promoting of the training of consultants, experts and teachers in order to contribute substantially to create a new local leading class that is European-minded and sensitive to the values of democracy and political and economic integration
  • Providing Italian companies of useful information on the latest changes in the area of Central-Eastern and Balkan Europe through research surveys (on specific countries) and constant monitoring
  • Encouraging the study of the East European languages
  • Disseminating the cultural knowledge and the sensitivity towards East Central Europe and the Balkans through bilateral and multilateral approaches, as a result of the EU Enlargement Eastwards

Masters and Vocational Courses

Thanks to its unique structure, based on the "Europe and the Balkans International Network", as well as to the international environment and the flow of exchanges systematically promoted by the its methodology of working, the Istituto offers an original rage of international and interdisciplinary postgraduate course with the opportunity not only for students but also for researchers and professors to update their skills and extend their knowledge concerning East-Central Europe and the Balkans.
Furthermore, the Institute promotes vocational training and consultancy in education and education-related areas.
The mission of the Institute is to prepare practitioners and scholars to work together and create a European space of cooperation, research, exchange and peaceful integration within East-Center and Balkan societies. The achieving of this aim is pursued through the exchange of experience and knowledge amongst the Network's members and the transfer of the outcomes to the young generations of East-Central and Balkan Europe.

Research Projects

The Istituto per l'Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica is an international research and educational institution with excellences in social studies and particularly in politics, economics, sustainable development, environmental protection, agro-industrial issues, sociology, anthropology, history, and languages.

Over 250 partners from 36 European countries, the US, Canada, Egypt, South Africa, India, Japan and Australia

Thanks to this unique structure, the Istituto develops interdisciplinary basic and applied research in the fields of its expertise. Its commitment includes sharing of findings and conducting research with partners who are scholars, experts, practitioners. The research plan supported by the Institute is based on the assumption that integration of the whole European Continent is possible and the East-West dichotomy can be reassembled.
Accordingly, theoretical elaboration and promotion of ideas as well as the cooperation amongst institutions are necessary, for the benefit of shared scientific insights and research findings. For all these activities, the development of a network of experts, and their contacts with students, teachers, journalists, opinion makers and (young) political leaders, is a key component. This Network takes up activities of monitoring East-Central and Balkan perceptions of Europe, as well as local transformations of public opinion and political culture, which are developing from the interplay of traditions, historical legacies and the actual economic and social needs.


Since 1993, the Istituto per l'Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica has produced a significant number of scientific publications, included in the series «Balkan and East-European Studies», published - mainly in English - by Longo Editore Ravenna.
The series focus primarily on the economic, political and social transition in the Balkans during the 1990s, and to its influence on the widening Europe. Issues concerning gender relations, migrations, regional economic cooperation, religions, nationalism and national identities are broadly discussed. A few volumes are also dedicated to the dynamic of destabilization in the Adriatic-Caspian corridor.
In addition, the Istituto has a journal «Southeastern Europe», an electronic Newsletter, a web site, and a set of Occasional Papers electronically distributed and published.

The "Europe and the Balkans" International Network's logo

The "Europe and the Balkans" International Network

The "Europe and the Balkans" International Network was established by 12 scholars from 4 countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Greece and Denmark) in 1993, thanks to the financial support of the European Commission (Human Capital and Mobility Program). Today the Network includes individuals and institutions.
Since then, the Network has greatly expanded and currently includes over 250 from 36 European countries, the United States, Canada, Egypt, South Africa, India, Japan and Australia.
The Network has a flexible structure and is coordinated by the Istituto per l'Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica. It aims at developing research and training in the fields of Politics, Economics, Law, History, Social Sciences, Linguistics and Culture, Environmental protection, promoting, in Italy and in Europe, the knowledge about Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. Moreover, looking towards a wider European integration process, it fosters international talks and interdisciplinarity as methods of work, and encourages dialogue and communication particularly in those contexts that have suffered severely because of disastrous conflicts and State collapse.

view the Europe and the Balkans International Network's map
view the Europe and the Balkans International Network's member-list 



Cassa dei risparmi di Forlì e della Romagna, contacts: Ing. Franco Dell'Armellino (director),
Camera di Commercio, industria Artigianato, Agricoltura di Forlì-Cesena, contacts: Sergio Mazzi (president) e Antonio Nannini (general secretary),
C.N.A. Prov.le Forlì-Cesena, contact: Alvaro Attiani (president),
SFIR - Società Fondiaria Industriale Romagnolacontacts: Mario Riciputi (president),
SO.F.TER, contact: Carfagnini Italo (presidente),


Via S. Giovanni Bosco, 1 
48018 - Faenza - Italy
tel: 0039.0544.937952
fax: 0039.0546.372045


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