PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday February 10, 2025
Testata per la stampa

This area collects and offers a wide range of scientific contributions and provides scholars, researchers and specialists with publishing opportunities for their research results

East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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PECOB's Papers series

"PECOB's papers" series is a collection of papers on various topics related to Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe, and the post-Soviet space written by prominent scholars, researchers, PhD candidates and promising students. Beacuse of their relevance and scientific innovation all papers in this series are assigned the ISSN.

Editorial information

Title: PECOB's papers series
Publisher: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe
Language: multilinguistic (English and original languages of the countries considered on PECOB)
Topics: Politics; Economics; History; Society; Languages, Literature and Culture; Media  
Monthly ISSN: 2038-632X    
Editorial Assistant: Ms Dessislava Krasteva

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