PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

William John Bartlett's profile

Affiliation: London School of Economics and Political Science
Full title: Senior Research Fellow
Address: Houghton Street, WC2A 2AE, London (UK)


Main scientific activities

  • Research on economic and social development in South East Europe

Books and other main pubblications

  • Bartlett, W., Europe's Troubled Region: economic development, institutional reform and social welfare in the Western Balkans, London, Routledge, 2008 (255 pp.)
  • Bartlett, W., Croatia: between Europe and the Balkans, London, Routledge, 2003 (reprinted in paperback in 2006) (176 pp.)
  • Bartlett, W., Bateman, M. and Vehovec, M. (eds.), Small Enterprise Development in South-East Europe: Policies for Sustainable Growth, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2002 (317 pp.)

Edited Books

  • Bartlett, W. (ed.), People-Centred Analyses: The quality of social services and the quality of life, Skopje, UNDP, 2010
  • Bartlett, W. (ed.), People-Centred Analyses: Regional development, local governance and the quality of life, Skopje, UNDP, 2009 
  • Bartlett, W.,  Bateman, M. and Vehovec, M. (eds.), Small Enterprise Development in South-East Europe: Policies for Sustainable Growth, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2002 (317 pp.)

Main recent articles

  • Bartlett, W., Cipusheva, H., Nikolov, M. And Shukarov, M., “The quality of life and regional development in FYR Macedonia”, in Croatian Economic Survey, 2010, 12(1), pp. 121-162
  • Bartlett, W., Economic development in the European super-periphery: evidence from the Western Balkans, Economic Annals, LIV 2009, 181, pp. 21-44
  • Bartlett, W., The effectiveness of vocational education in promoting equity and occupational mobility amongst young people, Economic Annals, LIV 2009, 180, pp. 7-39
  • Bartlett, W., “Regional integration and free-trade agreements in the Balkans: opportunities, obstacles and policy issues”, in Economic Change and Restructuring, 2008, 42, pp. 25-46
  • Bartlett, W. and Xhumari, M., “Social security policy and pension reform in the Western Balkans”, in European Journal of Social Security, 2007, 9(4), pp. 297-322
  • Bartlett, W., “The EU approach to regional cooperation: policy success or policy failure?”, in Southeastern Europe, 2007, Vol. 31-32
  • Bartlett, W. and Čučković, N., “Entrepreneurship and competitiveness: Europeanization of SME policy in Croatia”, in Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 2007, 7(1), pp. 37-56
  • Bartlett, W. and Bukvič, V. (2006) “Knowledge transfer in Slovenia: promoting innovative SMEs through spin-offs, technology parks, clusters and networks”, Economic & Business Review for Central and Eastern Europe

Other pubblications

  • Bartlett, W., “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Economy”, in Europa Yearbook on Central and South East Europe, London, Routledge, 2009
  • Bartlett, W., “FYR Macedonia: Economy”, in Europa Yearbook on Central and South East Europe, London, Routledge, 2009
  • Bartlett, W. and Cuckovic, N., “Croatia: Economy”, in Europa Yearbook on Central and South East Europe, London, Routledge, 2009
  • Bartlett, W., “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Economy”, in Europa Yearbook on Central and South East Europe, London, Routledge, 2008
  • Bartlett, W., “Croatia: Economy”, in Europa Yearbook on Central and South East Europe, London, Routledge, 2008
  • Bartlett, W., “Economic restructuring, job creation and the changing demand for skills in the Western Balkans”, in Fetsi, A. (ed.), Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: Challenges for the Future, Turin, European Training Foundation, 2007, pp. 19-50
  • Bartlett, W., "Regional cooperation and regional divergence: the inequalising effects of free trade agreements in the Western Balkans", in S. Bianchini, J. Marko, C. Nation and M. Uvalić (eds.), Regional Cooperation, Peace Enforcement, and the Role of the Treaties in the Balkans, Ravenna, Longo Editore, 2007, pp. 169-86
  • Bartlett, W., “Regional cooperation, advocacy coalitions and policy transfer: the case of employment policy”, in H. Isak (ed.), Coimbra Group Conference Proceedings, Graz, 2007
  • Bartlett, W. and Xhumari, M., "Social security policies in the Western Balkans", in J. van Langendock (ed.), The Right to Social Security, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2007, pp. 357-370
  • Bartlett, W., “The Western Balkans”, in D. Lane and M. Myant (eds.), Varieties of Capitalism in the post-Communist Countries, London, Palgrave, 2007, pp. 201-20
  • Bartlett, W., “International aid, policy transfer and local economic development in North Montenegro”, in B. Dallago (ed.), Transformation and European Integration: the Local Dimension, London, Palgrave, 2006, pp. 142-57
  • Bartlett, W., “Barriers to SME development in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Slovenia: a comparative analysis” in V. Franičević (ed.), Globalization, Democratization and Development, Massmedia, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 363-76


  • European Parliament, “Measures to promote the situation of Roma EU citizens in the European Union”, leading a study covering 12 EU Member States on social and economic conditions of Roma EU citizens, 20 days, July-October 2010 (Project Leader);
  • Japanese International Cooperation Agency, “Study on Poverty and Social protection in the Balkan countries”, leading a research project involving filed work and desk research, 50 days April-July 2010 (Joint Principal Investigator);
  • Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, “Political economy of decentralisation and regionalisation in South East Europe: the economic and social impact”, research project covering several countries in the Western Balkans, 12 months, November 2009  - October 2010 (Joint Principal Investigator);        
  • United Nations Development Programme, Editor-in-Chief, “People Centred Analyses”, coordinating a household survey on quality of life in Macedonia, 30 days, June 2009 - January 2010 (Principal Investigator).

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