PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Tuesday October 22, 2024
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Viachaslau Yarashevich

Affiliation: Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations, Minsk, Belarus
Full title: Associate Professor
Address: Leningradskaya 20-513 Minsk, 220030, BELARUS


New Fellowship at CECOB

Last December 15, professor Viachaslau Yarashevich has started his visiting fellowship at our Center for East Central and Balkan Europe at the School of Political Science of the University of Bologna,  Forlì Campus. Here below professor Yarashevich is introducing himself and the research project he is going to develop while in Forlì.

Born 12 years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, I grew up in extraordinary environment of political, economic and social change in my native Belarus and neighbouring countries.
For my undergraduate degree I studied international relations at Belarusian State University with a focus on European politics, and then in 2001 I won a Chevening/Open Society Institute scholarship to continue my study of Europe on the master’s programme at Sussex University in Britain. After successfully defending my PhD in 2006 at Kingston University in London, I returned home to start an academic career at my alma mater BSU in Minsk, at the department of international relations.
Never quite content with my level of academic intelligence, I have constantly looked for ways to expand it, and foreign postdoc fellowships offered wonderful opportunities in this regard. First, it was Fulbright at the University of Pittsburgh in the US, 2011-2012, and now it is Erasmus-Mundus WEBB at the University of Bologna. These research opportunities recharge me with fresh ideas and result in publications for globally acknowledged academic journals on various topics related to post-communist transformation which began 25 years ago. Specifically, during my 6-month stay in Italy I am going to focus on the political economy of European and Eurasian integration in comparative perspective, also continuing to develop my expertise in macroeconomic competitiveness which I have been teaching for the last three years in Belarus, as well as in wider post-communist transformation discourse.
As Adam Smith said nearly two and a half centuries ago, to be a researcher is a great privilege, and to have it at a young age is even more so. However,you appreciate it only switching to a different, more bureaucratic even if better remunerated occupation. That is exactly what I felt after taking on the post of the Council of Europe Information Point director in Minsk one and a half year ago. It was a valuable practical experience, but in no way as mind-invigorating as my current fellow role at the School of Political Science here in Forli.I have very high expectations about my contribution to the team of Professor Stefano Bianchini, and no doubt in excellent facilities and comprehensive support from the University of Bologna. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Academic publications


  • Yarashevich, V. Politiko-Ekonomicheskie Aspekty Preobrazovaniy v Respublike Belarus [Political Economy Aspects of the Transformation in the Republic of Belarus], Minsk: BGU, 2011.

Peer-reviewed articles in English

  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Political economy of modern Belarus: going against mainstream?’, Europe-Asia Studies, 2014, 66 (10), pp.1703-34.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Post-communist economic integration: Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia’, Journal of Economic Integration, 2014, 29 (4), pp.582-623.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘External debt of post-communist countries’, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2013, 46 (2), pp.203-16.
  • Yarashevich, V., Y. Karneyeva ‘Economic reasons for the break-up of Yugoslavia’, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 2013, 46 (2), pp.263-73.
  • Yarashevich, V., Ioffe, G. ‘Debating Belarus: an economy in comparative perspective’, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2011, 52 (6), pp.750-79.

Conference theses in English

  • Yarashevich, V. ‘EU competitiveness in post-crisis global economy’, International conference ‘The European Union and Republic of Belarus: Getting Closer for Better
  • Future’ (thesis collection), Minsk: 2014, pp. 116-8.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Political economy of Eurasian integration’, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika [International Relations: History, Theory, Practice] (BSU international conference theses collection), Minsk: 2014, IV, pp.132-4.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘European integration at the crossroads: implications for Belarus’, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya: istoriya, teoriya, praktika [International Relations: History, Theory, Practice] (BSU international conference theses collection), Minsk: 2013, III, pp.131-3.

Peer-reviewed articles in Russian

  • Yarashevich, V., K. Matveev ‘Mekhanizmy pervichnogo publichnogo razmeshcheniya aktsiy [Mechanisms of initial public offerings’, Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2014, 10, pp.46-52.
  • Yarashevich, V., A. Sargan ‘Formy ispolzovaniya offshornykh kompaniy’ [Utilization forms of offshore companies], Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2013, 10, pp.22-26.
  • Yarashevich, V., A. Sargan ‘Offshornyi segment mirovoi ekonomiki: evolutsiya i tendentsii razvitiya’ [Offshore segement of the global economy: evolution and current trends], Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2013, 7, pp.33-39.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Belarus – ES: vremya rasstavlyaet aktsenty’ [Belarus – EU: the time is setting emphases], Belaruskaya dumka [Belarusian Thought], 2013, 2, pp.94-97.
  • Yarashevich, V., N. Korbit ‘Osnovnye printsipy formirovaniya investitsionnogo portfelya’ [Main principles of investment portfolio formation], Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2011, 31, pp.47-54.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Konservativnye preobrazovaniya: politiko-ekonomicheskie aspekty reform v Belarusi’ [Conservative transformation: political economy aspects of reforms in Belarus], Belaruskaya dumka [Belarusian Thought], 2011, 5, pp.54-61.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘V poiskakh optimalnykh mekhanizmov finansirovaniya modernizatsii’ [In search of optimal financing mechanisms for modernisation], Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2010, 25, pp.42-46.
  • Yarashevich, V., E. Shuba ‘Rossiiskiy fondovyi rynok: osobennosti razvitiya i vyvody dlya Belarusi’ [Russian stock market: features and conclusions for Belarus], Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2010, 10, pp.48-55.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Vozmozhnosti Belarusi na mezhdunarodnom rynke investitsiy’ [Opportunities for Belarus in the global investment market], Belorusskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal [The Belarusian Economic Magazine], 2009, 3, pp.47-56.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Belarus i mezhdunarodnye finansovye organizatsii’ [Belarus and international financial organisations], Finansy, uchet, audit [Finance, Accounting, Audit], 2009, 8, pp.7-10.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Mezhdunarodnyi rynok kapitala: osnovnye osobennosti i vozmozhnosti dlya Belarusi’ [International capital markets: key features and opportunities for Belarus], Bankovskiy vestnik [The Banking Bulletin], 2009, 16, pp.16-24.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Inostrannye investitsii v protsesse postsotsialisticheskikh preobrazovaniy’ [Foreign investment in the process of postsocialist transformation], Belorusskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal [The Belarusian Economic Magazine], 2008, 3, pp.64-77.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘V kontekste zapadnykh podkhodov’ [In the context of Western approaches], Finansy, uchet, audit [Finance, Accounting, Audit], 2008, 5, pp.21-25.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Kritisheskiy analiz neoliberalnykh reform v byvshikh sotsialisticheskikh stranakh’ [Critical analysis of neoliberal reforms in former socialist countries], Belorusskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal [The Belarusian Economic Magazine], 2007, 2, pp.17-38.
  • Yarashevich, V. ‘Pereosmyslenie neoliberlnyh vzglyadov na preobrazovaniya v byvshikh sotsialisticheskikh stranakh’ [Rethinking neoliberal approaches to transformation in former socialist countries], Zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy [The Journal of International Law and International Relations], 2007, 1, pp.87-92.

Academic grants

  • December 2014 – June 2015    Erasmus Mundus Action 2 WEBB Grant
  • September 2011 – May 2012    Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant
  • October 2002 – October 2005    Kingston University Research Scholarship
  • October 2001 – September 2002    Open Society Institute/ Chevening Foreign and Commonwealth Office/ Sussex University Scholarship

Academic mobility

  • 2014-2015 (6 months), University of Bologna / Italy, Erasmus Mundus postdoc
  • March 2014 (1 week), Joint Vienna Institute /Austria, Competitiveness programme participant
  • December 2013 (1 week), University of Bologna, University of Perugia / Italy, open lectures and research discussions
  • April-May 2013 (2 weeks), University of Bologna, University of Macerata, University of Perugia / Italy, lectures and research cooperation negotiations
  • February 2013 (1 week), Sussex University/ UK, research cooperation negotiations
  • November 2012 (2 weeks), Tallinn University of Technology/Estonia, exchange visitor, research
  • September 2012 (1 week), Sussex University/ UK, international conference participant
  • 2011-2012 (9 months), Pittsburgh University/ USA, Fulbright postdoc
  • April 2011 (2 weeks), Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Brussels, research visitor
  • November 2010 (1 week), Joint Vienna Institute/Austria, FDI programme participant
  • May 2009 (1 week), Tallinn University of Technology/Estonia, exchange visitor, research
  • October 2007 (1 week), Central European University/Hungary, Curriculum Resource Centre’s economics session participant
  • November 2006 (1 week), Mykolas Romeris University/Lithuania, conference speaker

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