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Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)

23rd Annual World Convention

Conference venue: International Affairs Building, Columbia University, NY
Period: 3-5 May 2018
Proposal deadline: 26 October 2017

Description of the Event

The ASN World Convention, the largest international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in regional sections on the Balkans, Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Caucasus, and Turkey/Greece, as well as thematic sections on Nationalism Studies and Migration/Diasporas. Disciplines represented include political science, history, anthropology, sociology, international studies, security studies, geopolitics, area studies, economics, geography, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields.

Eligible topics for the conference

The Convention is also inviting paper, panel, roundtable, book, documentary, or special presentation proposals related to:

  • “The Rise of the Far Right,” on migration, multiculturalism, populism, nativism and counter-mobilization in Eastern/Western Europe and America;
  • “The Politics of Refugees (and IDPs),” on the refugee crisis in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere, securitization of borders, human and civil rights;
  • “The Political Use of Historical Memory,” on the construction and contestation of the memory of historical events in sites, symbols, state and (social) media narratives, and academic research;
  • “Political Violence,” on riots, insurgencies and counter-insurgencies, civil wars, genocide, terrorism, post-conflict settlement; transitional justice and international tribunals
  • “The Conflict in Ukraine,” on the domestic, regional and international crisis unleashed by Maidan, the annexation of Crimea, the war in Donbas, and the role of Russia, Europe and the United States;
  • The Limits of Democracy in the Balkans,”on the rise of new authoritarian elites, populism, the success and failure of EU and NATO conditionality and the paradigm shift from liberalisation to stability;
  • “Turkey Since the Failed Putsch,” authoritarianism and the suppression of dissent, the Kurdish question, Gulenism, the army and the state, refugees, the war in Syria, relations with Russia;

Popular topics have also included language politics, religion and politics, EU integration/exit, nation-building, energy politics, and civil society.

Over 150 PANELS in nine sections

  • Nationalism Studies
  • Migration & Diasporas
  • Balkans
  • Russia
  • Ukraine (and Belarus)
  • Central Europe (including Baltics & Moldova)
  • Eurasia (including Central Asia & China)
  • Caucasus (North and South)
  • Turkey and Greece (and Cyprus)

THEMATIC Panels on

The Rise of the Far Right in Europe and America
The Politics of Refugees (and IDPs)
The Political Use of Historical Memory
Political Violence (Insurgency, Terrorism, War)
The Conflict in Ukraine
The Limits of Democracy in the Balkans
Turkey Since the Failed Putsch


Guidelines for submission

The ASN 2018 Convention invites proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, books or documentaries:
- A paper proposal can have one or multiple authors. Only authors presenting at the Convention will have their names listed on the program;
- A panel proposal includes a chair, three or four presentations based on written papers, and a discussant;
- A roundtable proposal includes a chair and four presentations not based on written papers;
- A book panel proposal includes a chair, the book author and three discussants. If the book has two authors, who will both present at the Convention, then are two discussants;
- A documentary proposal includes the film director and a scholar who will lead the discussion after the screening (the scholar can be selected by the Convention).

For a chair* or discussant proposal**, see below.
*A chair presents the speakers, keeps time during presentations and leads the discussion.
**A discussant reads all the papers and offers comments on them in a single intervention.

In order to be considered, all proposals, for any of the five categories listed above, must include:

  1. The title of the presentation (in the case of a panel or a roundtable, the title of the panel and the titles of each presentation; for a book panel or documentary, the title of the book or documentary).
  2. A 500 word abstract of each presentation (a single one for a paper proposal, book panel or documentary; three or four for a panel proposal; four for a roundtable).
  3. A 100 word biographical statement, written as a narrative within a single paragraph, for each participant in the proposals. In the case of co-authors, a biographical statement is only necessary for applicants intending to attend the Convention.
  4. A filled out Factsheet that can be accessed here. Please note, every submission and every participant requires a Factsheet (you may need to fill out more than one should you be part of more than one proposal). Please indicate at the end of their proposal that all applicants within the proposal have filled out a Fact Sheet.
  5. We also welcome proposals from those who wish to only be considered as chair or discussant on a panel that the Convention will create from individual paper proposals. A chair or discussant proposal includes a 100 word biographical statement and a short paragraph indicating the areas of expertise of the applicant and a filled out factsheet which can be found here.

Information & contacts

Proposals must be submitted to: and


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