PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Saturday January 25, 2025
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Global Challenges for Regions and Cities: Adaptation, Development, Governance

RSA Russia Division Workshop 2017


Venue: Yekaterinburg, Russia
Period: 17th November 2017


The RSA Russia Division and the Ural Federal University, Graduate School of Economics and Management are partnering in 2017 as part of the XII annual conference Russian Regions in the Focus of Changes on 16-18 November 2017.

As part of this conference, the RSA Russia Division will organise a one-day workshop (17th November) with a focus on Global Challenges for Regions and Cities: Adaptation, Development, Governance.

The XII annual conference is one of the biggest international discussion forums in Russia covering issues of regional development, gathering representatives of governing authorities, academia, medium-sized businesses and large industrial enterprises. The key topic this year is how to ensure prominent economic growth in new economic realities.

Main conference topics:

Last year more than 700 participants from 22 Russian regions and more than 10 countries (France, Germany, China, Spain, Wales, Italy, Estonia, Mexico, Poland, Armenia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan) attended the conference representing businesses, government authorities, expert community and academia.

Participants of the RSA Russia Division workshop and the XII annual conference Russian Regions in the Focus of Changes can take part in both events free of charge.

*This conference is free to attend - Travel & accommodation must be covered by the participant*

RSA Workshop Plenary Speakers:

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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