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Università di Bologna  
Wednesday February 12, 2025
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Probable developments in air traffic between Italy and Eastern Europe: the case of Forlì

by Michele Tempera


The progress on the way to a complete European integration in the field of economy and politics has been representing a reference point for the countries of eastern and Balkan Europe. All the diferent economic strategies carried on by those nations have the European Union integration as their future traget and the transportation sector makes no exemption to this rule. For what concernes the air transport market, there are in the regions considered a noteworthly number of small and medium airports, which must quickly adapt themselves to the specific features of the european airport market. Under this view, the airport "Ridolfi" in Forlì, a medium city in north-eastern Italy, is an example that fits the above mentioned economic and political terms.
Original title
: Probable developments in air traffic between Italy and Eastern Europe: the case of Forlì


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