Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna
Saturday January 25, 2025
Gianfranco Brusaporci's profile
Affiliation: New Bulgarian University and Université Catholique de Louvain
Full title: Phd fellow
Address: Forlì - 11, P. Randi street - 47122 - Italy
Tel.: country code - area code -
Mobile: 00-39-3406424772
Main scientific activities
- Gianfranco Brusaporci, The Architects of God, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the New Christian Right in the US, 2009 - Il Ponte Vecchio - Cesena (FC)
Books and other main pubblications
- Monitoring on the national electionsof Bulgaria - 2009 - University of Sophia, Project financed by the Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs and the Bulgarian Ministery od Education
Main recent articles
- (online magazine - Milano)
- 18.07.07 - Unione Europea: le sfide globali esigono un rapporto meglio funzionante con gli USA;
- 05.07.07 - Francia - immigrazione, una priorità per il governo;
- 03.07.07 - Regno Unito - energia rinnovabile e nucleare per diminuire la dipendenza dagli approvvigionamenti esteri;
- 22.06.07 - Italia - l'ENEL, un attore in espansione sui mercati internazionali;
- 21.06.07 - Spagna - Madrid di fronte ai traffici di droga nel Mediterraneo;
- 11.06.07 - Ungheria - l'ambiziosa crescita economica è minacciata da mancanze strutturali;
- 08.06.07 - Bosnia - sicurezza ancora troppo vulnerabile;
- 11.06.07 - Armenia - Priorities and_the economic development after the elections;
- 29.05.07 - Spagna - forte impulso alle energie rinnovabili;
- 04.06.07 - Islanda - cambia la politica del Paese con il rimpasto del governo;
- 21.05.07 - Islanda - le diverse priorità per il nuovo governo e per l'opposizione;
- 16.05.07 - Regno Unito - Brown e Cameron si contendono il dopo-Blair;
- 04.05.07 - Lussemburgo - il Governo vuole mantenere lo status di “economia-modello”;
- 23.04.07 - Prospettive delle elezioni presidenziali turche;
- 23.04.07 - Unione Europea - l'espansione del jihadismo in Nord Africa esige una risposta concertata.
- Euroregions: a bridge for the EU enlargement and the Minority Rights respect. Comparative analysis between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea Euroregions.
- The principal objective of the project is to analyze the Black Sea and the Adriatic Euroregions trying to point out a comparative method useful for present and future studies. The thesis of this work, aiming at evaluating the main implications and consequences of a Euroregion, will analyze the hypothetical enlargement of the EU and its impact on the federalism process in the EU, on both global and local legislation and, finally, it will give an important feedback on the social prospective implications (Minority Right; Political and Social Integration). Thus, the research is structured along this dichotomie: Euroregion Politics - Ethnicity.
- MIGRAPASS project: The Migrapass project intends to develop a tool and methodology - a portfolio and its numeric development, an portfolio - to support migrants to express their experience, identify their skills and competences, and to define the possible areas of employment, in the light of knowledge and skills developed through their individual experience: professional (including training,), social (volunteer work), personal, etc. This tool and method, an e-portfolio, will be capable of synthesizing and valuing their experience (personal, social, professional…) in order to value them on the labour market. The portfolio will allow the migrants, to write their own profile, through a self-analysis of the knowledge and skills, useful to give them value and put into a single tool and method (the portfolio) the various experiences of the migrants, including informal and non formal experiences. The Migrapass project will propose an appropriate tool and method to value the unique experience of migrants and also identify the needs expressed by migrants to make their skills and competences be recognized and adapted to the national labor market.
- OPENCities: OPENCities pioneering research identifies for the first time direct links between international migration to cities and subsequent economic growth. The results suggest that cities can use openness to migration as a competitive advantage during periods of either economic growth or recession.
- A high degree of racial, ethnic and religious mix in European principal cities is the norm in 21st -century Europe. It characterises national economic, cultural and political life within European countries. The arrival of large numbers of new residents in many cities creates great opportunities for innovation and progress in social, economic and cultural development. At the same time, this also poses significant challenges for social cohesion and stability. In this context, cities can play a significant role in helping these nationwide processes.
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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