PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 16, 2025
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Giovanni Cadioli's profile

Giovanni Cadioli's picture

Affiliation: University of Oxford
Address: Via Mantova, 56 - Montichiari - 25018 BS - Italy
Tel.: +39 339 3950232


Main scientific activities

  • He contributes to the publications of University of Bologna's Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe (PECOB) and  of University of Roma's Review of International Political Studies (RSPI).
  • He is member of PECOB Energy Policy Studies research group.
  • He contributes to the blog "Vostok Cable",

Main recent articles

  • “Le decorazioni e le onorificenze sovietiche e russe. Evoluzioni, rivoluzioni e contraddizioni della grande storia sovietico-russa, viste attraverso la piccola storia delle decorazioni e delle onorificenze” (Soviet and Russian decorations. Evolutions, revolutions and contradictions of the great Soviet-Russian history, seen through the little history of decorations), Slavia - Rivista trimestrale di cultura, Vol. 19, No. 3, pag. 77-91 July-September 2010. ISSN: 2038-0968.
  • “Sincretismo simbolico nella Russia post-sovietica” (Symbolical syncretism in post-Soviet Russia), Slavia - Rivista trimestrale di cultura, Vol. XX, No. 3, pag. 142-160, July-September 2011. ISSN: 2038-0968.
  • “Energy fact sheet on Belarus and Russia. Belarus-Russia energy disputes - political and economic comparative analysis”, PECOB Energy Policy Studies, Feb. 2012.
  • “The Bear beyond the ocean. Kremlin's relations with Latin America as a crucial step for Russia going back to a great power status”, Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali (RSPI), Vol. 79, No. 1, pag. 49-67, January-March 2012. ISSN: 0035-6611.
  • “Energy fact sheet on Hungary” (with Ludovico Grandi), PECOB Energy Policy Analysis, Apr. 2012.
  • "Il risveglio dell'Orso. Realismo e politica estera in Russia" (The reawakening of the Bear. Realism and foreign policy in Russia), PECOB's Volumes, Jan. 2013.


  • He contributes to the development and researches of PECOB Energy Policy Studies research group (November 2011 - August 2012).
  • He is completing his MA thesis for MA MIREES, "American Sovietology and the demise of the Soviet Union".
  • He is working on his DPhil (PhD) research project at the University of Oxford.

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