PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 16, 2025
Testata per la stampa

New Challenges for the European Union

Venue: Prague (Czech Republic)
Period: Nov. 9 - 10, 2011


The main conference will consist of three main panels leaded by experts who will ensure a high quality environment for multidisciplinary discussion on EU topics. An additional panel disscusion will be organized on European Governance in Context of Globalization

Political Challenges in the Post‐Lisbon Era (Chair: Běla Plechanovová)
1. European Union – Regional and Global Actor
2. Changing EU policies and policy‐making, Politics in the Post‐Lisbon European Union
3. Politics in the Post‐Lisbon European Union

EU and Economical Issues (Chair: Josef Abrhám)
1. Economy of the EU and New Instruments of the European Economic Governance
2. Competitiveness of the EU in the Global Economy
3. Energetic Security and the Position of the European Union

European Law: Legal Issues in the Post‐Lisbon Period (Chair: Naděžda Šišková)
1. Actual EU Challenges in the Field of Human Rights
2. EU and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Post‐Lisbon Period
3. Legal Issues of New Division of Competences, European Parliament and National Parliaments
in the Intention of Lisbon Treaty

A side conference for Ph.D candidates is also being organized concurrently with the main conference. This will be an opportunity for young researchers to contribute their ideas to the discourse. In addition, the papers of all participants will be published.


How to participate to the Conference/Event

The conference will be open to the general public. For all those wishing to participate on the panels, please see the Call on PECOB for more information. The deadline for abstracts is June 30, 2011.

Organizer and Partners

Information & contacts

Centre for European Studies
University of Economics in Prague
Sq. W. Churchill 4, Prague 130 67
Czech Republic
tel.: 00.420.224.095.230
fax: 00.420.224.095.5233

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PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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