PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 16, 2025
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Nikolay A. Aretov's profile

Affiliation: Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy for Sciences
Full title: Prof. Dr. hab.
Address: Mladost 1, bl.29A. vh. 2, ap. 21
1750 - Sofia - Bulgaria
Tel.: 00359 - 2 - 8767357


Main scientific activities

  • Scholar in Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Professor at the University of Sofia

Books and other main pubblications

  • Bulgarian literature from the Age of National Revival [Българската литература от епохата на националното възраждане], 2009
  • National Mythology and National Literature [Национална митология и национална литература. Сюжети, изграждащи българската национална идентичност в словесността от ХVІІІ и ХІХ век], 2006
  • (with N. Chernokojev), Bulgarian Literature 18th-19th Centuries [Българска литература. ХVІІІ-ХІХ век. Един опит за история], 2007
  • The Bulgarian Murder: Plots with Crimes in Bulgarian Literature [Убийство по български. Щрихи от ненаписаната история на българската литература за престъпления], 2007

Edited Books

  • (with Raya Zaimova), Modernity Today and Tomorrow [Модерността вчера и днес], 2003
  • Balkan Identities the Bulgarian Culture from the Modern Times [Балкански идентичности в българската култура], Vol. 4, 2003
  • (with Raya Zaimova), Money. Words. Memory [Пари, думи, памет], 2004
  • (with Dancho Gospodinov), Imagined Texts of the Bulgarian National Revival [Въобразените текстове на Българското възраждане], 2005
  • Despite Divisions: Intercultural dialogues in the Balkans [Въпреки различията. Интеркултурни диалози на Балканите], 2008
  • Природа и общество. Нови изследвания за Жан-Жак Русо. Nature et société. Nouvelles études rousseauistes. Състав. Рая Заимова и Николай Аретов, 2010

Main recent articles

  • "La réception de Voltaire en Bulgarie", in Étude balkanique, N. 3-4, 1995
  • "L’image bulgare des romanciers française au XVIII siècle. - Interférences historiques, culturelles et littéraires entre la France et les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale (XIX et XXe siècles)", Editions académique “Prof. Marin Drinov”, Sofia, 2000, pp. 167-174
  • "The prose of European Enlightenment and the Buldarian culture", in Études balkanique, N. 2, 2000
  • "The Myth of the Kidnapped Faith and The Bulgarian National Discourse", in Literarni mystifikacie, etnicke myty a jejich uloha pri formovani narodniho vedomi, Studie Slovackeho Muzea, Uherske Hradiste 6/2001, рр. 73-77 [Czech Republic]
  • "The Abducted Faith and Bulgarian National Mythology", in Études Balkaniques, 2003, N. 2, рр. 103-133
  • "La perception de l’étranger. Le romancier français Auguste Maquet dans le débat public bulgare du milieu du XIXe siècle", in Roumiana L. Stantchéva, Alain Vuillemin (eds.), L’Europe, la France, Les Balkans. Littératures balkaniques et literatures comparées, Éditions de l’Institut d’Études Balkanikues, Sofia, Artois Presses Université, Arras, 2004, pp. 103-109. (Études Balkaniques, 2003, N. 3)
  • "The Kidnapped Identity and the Myth of the Book Burning", in Political, Intellectual and Cultural Relations between Greeks and Bulgarians, 19th- 20th Centuries, Balkan Studies, vol. 42, Thessaloniki 2001 [2005], pp. 79-88
  • "Identity, Tradition and Values in the Ideas of Contemporary Bulgarian Humanities. Personal Observations", in Traditionnel, Identité, Modernité dans les cultures du Sud-Est Européen: La littérature, les arts et la vie intellectuelle au XX siècle, Sofia, Institut d’Études balkaniques; Arras, Pressus Université d’Artois, 2007, pp. 201-206. (Études Balkaniques, 2007, N. 2-3)
  • "National Mythology and its linguistic resources: the Bulgarian case", in A. F., Chrisidis (ed). Γλωςςα, Κοινωνια, Ιςτορια: Τα Βαλκανια [Language, Society, History: The Balkans], Thessaloniki, Centre for Greek language, 2007, pp. 347-358
  • "The Rejected Legacy", in Detrez, R. & B. Segaert (eds.), Europe and the Historical Legacies in the Balkans, Brussels, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2008, pp. 69-79
  • "The Boundaries of the Bulgarian: Gazes from inside and outside: Z. Stoyanov and C. Jireček", in Sprawy Narodownościone [Nationality Affairs], Seria nowa, R, 2007, z. 31. Territorialism and Identity, J. Sujecka (ed.), Poznań-Warsaw, 2007, pp. 227-235
  • Przemilczane zwycięstva, in Przemilczenia w relacijach międzykulturowych. Redakcja naukowa Joanna Goszczyńska, Grażyna Szwat-Gyłabowa, Warszawa, Institut Slawisyki PAN, Institut Slawisyki Zachodnej i południowej Universytetu Warszawskego, Fundacija Slawistyczna, 2008, pp. 395-405
  • "Bulgarian Émigrés and Their Literature: a Gaze from Home", in Agoston-Nikolova, Elka (ed.), Shoreless Bridges. South East European Writing in Diaspora, Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2010; Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics (SSLP), volume 55, pp. 65-81



  • Emotional content of Bulgarian national identity: historical origins and contemporary dimensions

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