PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 16, 2025
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Ivan Damjanovski's profile

Ivan Damjanovski's picture

Affiliation: University of Skopje, Political Science Department
Address: Bul. Partizanski Odredi 4-2/22
1000, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel.: 00389 - 71 - 211438
Fax: 00389 - 23 - 094760


Main scientific activities

  • Research and teaching assistant at the Political Science Department, Faculty of Law, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University-Skopje
  • Researcher at the think tank Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis" - Skopje

Books and other main pubblications

  • Damjanovski, I. and Misev, V., “Analysis of the Roots of Human Trafficking in the Republic of Macedonia and the Challenges Related to Victim Claim Compensation”, OSCE, Skopje, 2007
  • Damjanovski, I., Markovic, N., Taleski, D. and Bozinovski, V., “Research on Youth Aspirations in Macedonia”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Skopje, 2006
  • Damjanovski, I. and Vurmo, G., “Research on the Progress of the Republic of Macedonia in the Area of Justice and Home Affairs”, European Institute Sofia, Eurobalkan Press, Skopje, 2005

Edited Books

  • Damjanovski, I. and Prokopenko, N., "The approximation of the Macedonian Legal System to the Acquis Communautaire” in Frosini, J. O., Lupoi, M. A. and  Marchesiello, M. (eds.), A European Space of Justice, Longo Editore, Ravenna, October 2006

Main recent articles

  • Forthcoming: Damjanovski, I., “Flexibility, Academia and Human Capital Formation: What is the Role for Higher Education in Kosovo's Transition towards a Knowledge-Based Economy?” in Journal Der Donaurum, Vol. 50., No. 1, IDM Vienna, 2010
  • Damjanovski, I., “From the Outside Looking In: the Role of the Diaspora in the Macedonian EU Integration Process and Socio-Economic Development”, in Journal Der Donaurum, Vol. 48., No.3, 235-251, IDM Vienna, December 2008


  • University of Freiburg, Regional Research Development Programme, Project: “The Role of the European Union in Democratic Consolidation and Ethnic Conflict Management in the Republic of Macedonia”
  • Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Project: "Impact of Higher Education and Human Capital on the Economic and Political Development in Kosovo"
  • World Bank, Project: Legal and Judicial Implementation and Institutional Support  - Research/Evaluation of the Judicial System of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Project: "Role of migration and of diaspora on the political and socio-economic reform and EU integration processes in South East Europe"

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