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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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MSc in International Conflicts and Cooperation

Location: Department of Politics (University of Stirling), Stirling (UK)
MSc duration: September, 2009 - August 2010
Application deadline: June 30, 2009

The Department of Politics at the University of Stirling invites applications for its MSc in International Conflicts and Cooperation, starting in September 2009 (full academic year). The study programme focus conflict prevention, management and resolution which, through a variety of teaching methods, develops high-level skills and competencies for professional practice in the field of international conflict analysis and cooperation.

The programme and courses

The programme consists of three compulsory courses in Autumn term: International Conflicts & Cooperation Analysis, International Organisations, and Research Methods. In Spring Term students will attend two optional modules selecting among: Conflicts and Cooperation in the Balkans, EU-Russian Relations and the Southern Caucasus; Conflicts in Independent Africa, and Conflicts in Middle East.  Summer term will be devoted to writing the final dissertation.

See a detailed description of the courses on offer.


Applicants must have a Degree in Politics, International Relations or an allied discipline, or equivalent qualification. Applicants with other qualifications, including relevant professional experience, may be considered on the recommendation of the Programme Director.

Information and contacts

University of Stirling
Department of Politics
Programme Director
Dr Peter Lynch

Students who have particular interest in the Balkans may also wish to contact:
Dr Dejan Jovic


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