PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday February 12, 2025
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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Latest resources about Romania on Pecob

Below you can browse the most recently added resources related to Romania. This includes specific scientific papers, dissertations, research projects, calls, conferences, news, books, reviews, photos and maps.

Creating Territorial Cooperation: The Impact of the Intercultural Dialogue and Migration Flows in South-East Europe

The Jean Monnet Network Consortium led by the New York University of Tirana, together with the Institute of East Central and Balkan Europe (IECOB), the University of Dubrovnik, the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and the European Movement of Serbia, in cooperation with the Central European Initiative is pleased to announce an exciting and timely Winter School program, under the title “Creating Territorial Cooperation: The Impact of the Intercultural Dialogue and Migration Flows in South-East Europe”.

Read more about this call


European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

The University of Sarajevo/CIS and the University of Bologna/IECOB are glad to announce the Call for applications for the 17th edition of the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

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Call for Applications - Master of Arts in "Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe" (MIREES)

The master's curriculum stresses on interdisciplinary studies in the economics of transition; politics and international relations; history and cultural studies focused on Central, Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Read more on the Call for Applications - Master of Arts in "Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe" (MIREES)


Summer school - Learn Romanian

ROLANG School organizes the 7th edition of the summer school on Romanian language between 24th of July - 4th of August 2017, in the city of Sibiu, in association with the Journalism Department of "Lucian Blaga" University, Sibiu.

Summer school - Learn Romanian


Romanian elections: Political risks, economic outlook and social concerns

Join us at SSEES to hear academic experts, policymakers and stakeholders discuss these highly topical issues that get to the core of the kind of society Romania is expected to be after the parliamentary elections. The panellists will offer brief initial remarks, followed by an hour for questions and discussion.

Romanian elections: Political risks, economic outlook and social concerns


The Gezi Park Movement: Forming of a New Political Opposition in Turkey?

During spring and summer 2013, Turkey witnessed a series of protests followed by the police violence. When a small, environmental sit-in protest for the protection of Gezi Park in the center of Istanbul was brutally smashed down by the police forces in the end of May 2013, a massive number of people took to the streets in over sixty Turkish cities, which, over the night, turned into a nationwide protest - the biggest one in modern Turkish history.

Read and dowload the paper "[paperTitle]".


Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe

The Osteuropa-Institute together with Akademie Fur Politische Bildung organizes a Summer School Programme to focus on energy and environmental issues in Eastern Europe. 

Read more on the Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe


Master in "Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe"

The European Regional Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democracy in South East Europe is an intensive one-year Master programme established through the joint efforts of the participating universities and coordinated by the Universities of Sarajevo and Bologna.

Read more on the Master in "Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe"


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