In this section, Pecob offers a selection of quality information and analyses materials related to Central Eastern Europe and the Balkan region. The contents inside this section are produced by consultants, experts, scholars and academics.
IECOB e PECOB collaborano con il portale d’informazione specializzata e la MIREES Alumni International Association (MAiA) co-pubblicando articoli di analisti politica, economica e sociale relative all’attualità proveniente dall’Europa orientale e lo spazio post-socialista.
Here you can find analyses about the business climate in selected countries of the region, with macroeconomic data and political-economic trends.
Here you can find dossiers and reports about specific topics related to economics and politics in the region.
Here you can find news related to political and economic events and opportunities dealing with the region.
Here you can find direct links to wesites providing basic informatin on economic, financial and business institutions dealing with the region.
Here you can find specific information about project Parliament Watch!.
The Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje (IDSCS) and the Institute for Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans (IECOB) are monitoring the quality of the debates in the Assembly (Parliament) since June 2014. The monitoring is part of the project “Parliament Watch!"
Pecob is glad to announce the launch of the Energy Policy Studies branch! Here you will find fact sheets and specific data on energy issues, policies and infrastructures in the area, along with in-depth analysis of their political and economic impact.
PECOB is pleased to introduce this database of updated articles, analyses and working papers on Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkan region's economies. Papers on this site discuss specific economic issues within different contexts.
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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