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Georgia, twenty years after USSR

by: Marilisa Lorusso
original title (in Italian): Georgia, vent'anni dopo l'URSS
published by: Aracne
pp: 276
ISBN: 978-88-548-4466-7
price: € 14,00

Book's frontpage

Georgia, vent’anni dopo l’URSS, describes the Georgian political and social evolution in the two  decades following the collapse of the Soviet Union. During this period the country was the theatre of secessionist wars, coups, a so-called "Color Revolution" which has significantly changed the country.
Besides political actors, institutions are described, and the difficult process of state building, the issue of Georgian breakaway regions, and the war 8 August 2008. This crisis raises questions about management of power, the myth of the strong hand leading the State, demand for democracy.


Table of contents

I - La Georgia nell’età contemporanea
1.1. Il periodo zarista
  1.1.1. La conquista russa
  1.1.2. La Georgia nell’Impero
  1.1.3. Fra rivoluzioni e guerra: la fine degli Imperi
1.2. L’indipendenza
  1.2.1. La Repubblica di Transcaucasia
  1.2.2. La Repubblica Democratica di Georgia
  1.2.3. La problematica integrità territoriale
  1.2.4. La sovietizzazione
1.3. Il periodo sovietico
  1.3.1. La Repubblica Socialista Sovietica di Transcaucasia
  1.3.2. Le Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche (1936–1977)
  1.3.3. La RSS di Georgia
1.4. La Repubblica di Georgia
  1.4.1. L’Ossezia meridionale
  1.4.2. L’Abchazia
II - Forma di Stato e di Governo
2.1. Premessa
2.2. La Georgia di Ševardnadze
  2.2.1. L’ordinamento costituzionale
  2.2.2. La Presidenza e la Legislatura del 1995
  2.2.3. La Legislatura del 1999 e il secondo mandato presidenziale
2.3. La Georgia di Saakašvili
  2.3.1. La Rivoluzione delle Rose
  2.3.2. Le elezioni presidenziali anticipate
  2.3.3. Le elezioni parlamentari ripetute
  2.3.4. Le riforme costituzionali
  2.3.5. La crisi politica del 2007
  2.3.6. 2008: Le elezioni presidenziali anticipate
  2.3.7. 2008: Le elezioni parlamentari anticipate
2.4. La Repubblica Autonoma Agiara
  2.4.1. La seconda Rivoluzione delle Rose
2.5. Le regioni secessioniste
  2.5.1. L’Abchazia
  2.5.2. L’Ossezia meridionale
2.6. 2008: La guerra
  2.6.1. L’escalation
  2.6.2. 08/08/08
  2.6.3. Una guerra non finita 

III - Stato e Società
3.2. La desovietizzazione: dai riformisti ai rivoluzionari
3.3. Lo Stato nazionale
  3.3.1. Il territorio
  3.3.2 Il monopolio nell’uso della forza
  3.3.3 L’identità: lingua, religione, cittadinanza e nazionalità
3.4. Il Potere
  3.4.1. Un’ipotesi di potere: l’uomo forte
  3.4.2. I media
  3.4.3. I possibili competitori
3.5. La società civile
3.6. La democrazia
  3.6.1. La democrazia georgiana
  3.6.2. La domanda democratica
  3.6.3. Guerra e democrazia


1. La Georgia nell’età contemporanea
The first chapter describes how and why Georgia became part of the Russian Empire. At the pick of its crisis, Georgia enjoyed a short independence, which ended with the annexation the Soviet proto-state. Documents of that period are presented, as well as the interpretation of the event in long term.
Soviet Georgia is analyzed, up to the anti-soviet turmoils and the collapse of the USSR, which was preceded by Georgian secession.
2. Forma di Stato e di Governo
The second chapter focuses on the State building process of the new independent State. Starting from the adoption of the Constitution, the democratic transition of the country is divided in two stages: the Shevardnadze period and the post-Rose Revolution one. In the first one, the political life of the country is followed through the regular elections and the government performances. In the second one, the political landscape proved to be less stable, still some requisites of sovereignty and government performances improved.
Separately, the situation of the breakaway regions is exposed, in view of the impact at national level it was due to have in 2008, when war erupted.

3. Stato e Società
The third chapter aims at giving a general picture of the Georgian society in the last two decades, with a specific attention to the processes of Nation building and of democratization. A special attention is dedicated to the relation between supply and demand for democracy, in a country dominated for long by a strong executive power, and between democracy and war.


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