PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday February 10, 2025
Testata per la stampa

Energy Community, topical events and perspectives between the European Energy Union and the Ukrainian case

October 2014 | #52

by: Dr Saverio Francesco Massari
pp: 37
ISSN: 2038-632X

Paper's frontpage


The paper aims at describing the current political challenges the Energy Community (EC) is currently living.
As a matter of fact, after the first period of operation several institutional and operative obstacles have been identified. Nevertheless, the real point the Energy Community will face is not only related to internal procedures but it is connected with external political dynamics that could potentially interfere with the EC future.
First of all, Ukraine is an EC full-fledged member and therefore is leading the Energy Community in an uncertain political scenario.
Furthermore, the EU project for the establishment of a European Energy Community is potentially creating a new platform for political alliances and energy relations with neighbor Countries: the possible role and competences of EC in this context is not yet defined



Energy Community, European Energy Union, Russia, Ukraine, Energy policies, South East Europe, southern energy corridor

Table of contents

1. From the Energy Community to the Energy Union: a pan-European energy policy?
2. The Ukrainian case and the role of the Energy Community
ANNEX I - Interview with Olena Pavlenko President of DiXi Group
ANNEX II - Interview with Janez Kopač Director of Energy Community Secretariat

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