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Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 16, 2025
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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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Druzhba energy infrastructure

by Paolo Sorbello (map) and Ludovico Grandi (doc)

Built in 1960, Druzhba was one of the first features in the Soviet creation of an energy grid throughout the COMECON. The goal of linking Russia's immense oil basins with energy-thirsty Eastern Europe was regarded as one of the most ambitious oil infrastructure project ever designed.

Basic information

  • Type of Hydrocarbon: Oil
  • Year built: 1960 (completed in 1964)
  • Cost: USD 12.7 Million
  • Origin-Ending: Almatyevsk (Tatarstan) - Schwedt (Germany)/ Prague, Budapest
  • Countries: Russia - Belarus, Poland Germany (northern Druzhba) - Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic (southern Druzhba)
  • Administering Companies: Transneft (Russia), Gomeltransneft Druzhba (Belarus), Ukrtransnafta (Ukraine), PERN Przyjazn SA (Poland), Transpetrol AS (Slovakia), Mero (Czech Republic) and MOL (Hungary).
  • Capacity: 3 Mbd
  • Diameter: 530, 630, 720, 820 and 1020 mm
  • Markets Involved: Druzhba is nowadays the main oil supply source for the European continent
  • Subsidiaries: OAO MN Druzhba (Rosneft Subsidiary)



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