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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Domenico Mario Nuti's profile

Domenico Mario Nuti's picture

Affiliation: University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Full title: Professor
Address: Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9
I-00161  - Rome - Italy


Main scientific activities

  • Professor of Comparative EconomicSystems.
  • Authorof numerous publications mostly on comparative economic systems, in particularon 1) the reform of centrally planned economies and their post-socialisttransition to market economies; 2) corporate governance and employeeparticipation in enterprise decisions and results; 3) economic integrationprocesses in Europe and in the global economy.

Edited Books

  • (with John Eatwell, MichaelEllman, Mats Karlsson, Judith Shapiro), Soft Budgets, Hard Choices: the futureof the welfare state in central eastern Europe, IPPR, London 2000. ISBN 1 86030106 1. Bulgarian (2001) and Estonian (2002) translations.
  • (With Felix FitzRoy, DerekJones, Mark Klinedinst, G. Lajtai, Niels Mygind, Charles Rock, Milica Uvalic,Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead), Employee Ownership in Privatisation: Lessons fromCentral and Eastern Europe, Experts’ Policy Report, ILO-CEET, Budapest 1998.Russian Edition, Budapest 1999.
  • (with John Eatwell, MichaelEllman, Mats Karlsson, Judith Shapiro), Not 'Just Another Accession' -Political economy of EU Enlargement to the East, IPPR, London 1997. BulgarianEdition, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Sofia 1998. Czech and Polish editions, 1999.
  • (with John Eatwell, MichaelEllman, Mats Karlsson, Judith Shapiro), Transformation and Integration: Shapingthe future of central eastern Europe, IPPR, London 1995; Slovenian Edition, IzTranzicije v Evropsko Povezovanje, Ljubljana 1996.
  • Main author of a World BankReport on Poland (1988).
  • An edition of V.K. Dmitriev'sEkonomicheskie Ocherki, under the title "Economic Essays on Value,Competition and Utility" with notes and an Introductory Essay, CambridgeUniversity Press, 1974. Re-published in Russian in this edition, with the originaltext, Moscow 2001.
  • (withAlec Nove), Penguin Readings on Socialist Economics, 1972, 1974, 1977.

Main recent articles

  • "ExitStrategies", Est-Ovest, n. 3, 2009.
  • "Akerlof & Shiller, AnimalSpirits: A misnomer for their sound economics", (2009), Short Notes n. 1,Department of Public Economics, University of Rome "La Sapienza".
  • “The Former Soviet Union AfterDis-Integration and Transition”, International Conference “Twenty Years afterthe Fall – A Reconsideration of the End of Communism”, Gramsci FoundationInstitute, Rome9-10 October 2009. Also in: Joanna Dzwonczyk and Jerzy Kornas (Eds),"Transformacja polska - ochekiwania i rzeczywistosc" [PolishTransformation - Expectations and Reality], Un. of Economics Publishing House, Krakow, 2010, ISBN 978-83-7252-484-3, pp. 149-178.
  • "The Impact of the Global Crisis onTransition Economies", International Conference on "Reflections onTransition: Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall", UNU-WIDER,Helsinki, 18-19 September 2009; .A much shorter version is in Economic Annals,Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Volume LIV, No. 181, April – June2009, pp. 7-20.
  • "La transizionenell'economia russa", XXI Secolo, Enciclopedia Treccani, Rome, 2009, pp.309-317.
  • "A counter-factualalternative for Russia's post-socialist transition", Internationalconference on: The Great Transformation: 1989-2029”, TIGER Institute atKozminski University, Warsaw, 3-4 April 2009, in Polish inGrzegorz W. Kolodko and Jacek Tomkiewicz (Eds) 20 Lat Transformacji,Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warsaw 2009, pp.49-83. In English inGrzegorz W. Kolodko and Jacek Tomkiewicz, Eds, 20 years ofTransformation:Achievements, Problems and Perspectives, (forthcoming 2011),Nova Science Publishers, New York
  • "Venti anni dopo:ragioni, processi, risultati della transizione post-socialista", RapportoCESPI-Gramsci sull'Integrazione Europea, 2009.
  • "Globalization Today: Incomplete,Distorted and Unfair", in Pompeo della Posta, M. Uvalic and A. Verdun(Eds), Globalisation, Development and Integration, Palgrave-Macmillan, London2009, pp. 326-329.
  • "Alternative Targets, Paths and Speedin Post-Socialist Transition", EACES-European Association for ComparativeEconomic Systems, 10th Bi-Annual Conference, on "Patterns of Transitionand New Agenda for Comparative Economics", Higher Schoolof Economics, Moscow, 28-30 August 2008 [PPT Presentation]
  • "Post-socialist Transition and theResources of Economic Thought". Keynote Address, ESHET-European Societyfor the History of Economic Thought, Prague,15-15 May 2008 [PPT Presentation].
  • “Efficiency and Distribution in the GlobalEconomy” [in Italian], Lezioni Federico Caffè 2007, University of Rome La Sapienza (mimeo.).
  • “Managing Transition Economies”, in StephenWhite, Judy Batt and Paul Lewis (Eds.), Developments in Central and EastEuropean Politics, No. 4, Palgrave-Duke UP, 2007.
  • "Belarus:Market Socialism Prototype?", in David Lane (Ed.), The Transformation of State Socialism:System Change, Capitalism, or Something Else?, Macmillan, Basingstoke,2007
  • (with Marilena Giannetti) “The EuropeanSocial Model and its Dilution as a Result of EU Enlargement”, TIGER WorkingPapers Series No. 105, Warsaw,July 2007.
  • "Exchange rate policy and economicperformance in the transition", Scientific Conference in Honor of PadmaDesai, “Russia: Soviet Past;Present Performance and Future Prospects”, Columbia University, New York,26-27 April 2007.
  • "Alternative fiscal rules for the EUnew members”, CESifo Workshop on Euro-Area Enlargement, Munich, 26 November2006; and TIGER-WSPiZ Discussion Papers, n. 84, Warsaw 2006.
  • “L’introduzione dell’euronell’Unione allargata: tempi, processi, ostacoli”, in F. Sdogati (a cura di),L’unificazione dell’Europa: Opportunita’ dell’Unione allargata, Progedit, Bari,2005.
  • “The Belarus economy – Suspended animationbetween state and markets”, in Stephen White, Elena A. Korosteleva and JohnLowenhardt (Eds), Postcommunist Belarus, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham MD,2004.
  • “I sistemi economicipost-comunisti, ovvero “2001 odissea nella transizione””, in Bruno Jossa (acura di), Sistemi Economici Comparati, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004, p. 167-207.
  • “Kalecki and Keynes revisited: Two originalapproaches to demand-determined income – and much more besides”, in Zdzislaw L.Sadowski and Adam Szeworski (Eds), Kalecki’s Economics Today, Routledge, London and New York, 2004. Paper presented at a Conference on “Thework of Michal Kalecki from the perspective of contemporary macroeconomics”,Polish Economic Association, Warsaw,29 September 1999.
  • A Comment on Leszek Balcerowicz,“Post-communist Transition in a Comparative Perspective”, World Bank, Washington DC,18-11-2003.
  • "L'euro 2002: gioiee dolori", in Giuseppe Vacca (Ed.), L'unità dell'Europa. Rapporto 2003sull'integrazione europea, Edizioni Dedalo, Rome 2003, pp. 9-20, and guesteditor of section on "Il ruolo e la potenzialità dell'euro sul pianoglobale", pp. 7-168; also as a supplement to L'Unità, 2003.
  • (with M. Uvalic) "Twelve years oftransition to a market economy", in D.M. Nuti and M.Uvalic (Eds),Post-Communist Transition to a Market Economy. Lessons and Challenges, LongoEditore, Ravenna,2003
  • "Adopting the Euro in an EnlargedUnion: An Obstacle Course", TIGER Working Papers Series n. 38, Warsaw, March 2003.
  • “Governing Incomplete Globalisation”,TIGER-WSPiZ Working Papers Series n. 25, Warsaw, 2002; also in G. W. Kolodko(ed) Emerging Market Economies. Globalization and Development (Aldershot,England and Burlington, VT, USA: AshgatePublishing Ltd, 2005).
  • “Costs and benefits of unilateraleuroization in central eastern Europe”, The Economics of Transition, Vol. 10(2) 2002, 419-444 (Guest-Editor of Symposium on “Exchange rate regimes intransition economies – the euroization debate”, same issue). Earlier versions:“The costs and benefits of Euro-isation in central-eastern Europe before orinstead of EMU membership”, in Mario I. Blejer and Marko Skreb, Proceedings ofthe 6-th Dubrovnik Economic Conference, June 2000, and Discussion Paper n. 8,CNEM-LBS, September 2000. Working Paper n. 340, The William Davidson Institute,Un. Of Michigan Business School,October 2000.
  • "Not 'Just Another Accession'",WSPiZ & TIGER Distinguished Lectures Series No.3, Warsaw, 26 April 2001.
  • "Globalizzazione eRegionalismo", Europa Europe, Vol. X n.8, 2001,pp. 11-23.
  • “Belarus: a command economy without centralplanning”, in M.I. Blejer-M.Skreb Eds), Transition: the first decade, MITPress, Cambridge Ma., 2001; also in Russian and East European Finance and Trade(REE), Vol. 36, no. 4 July-August 2000, pp. 45-79.
  • "Albaniaand the euro: Economic implications of unilateral euroisation", ConferencePaper, Central Bank of Albania,Tirana, December 2001
  • “The Polish Zloty, 1990-99: Success andUnder-Performance”, American Economic Review, May 2000, Papers and Proceedings,Vol. 90, n. 2, pp. 53-58 [PPT presentation OeNB 2000]
  • "Employee Participation in EnterpriseControl and Returns: Patterns, Gaps and Discontinuities", in VojmirFranicevic and Milica Uvalic, Equality, Participation, Transition - Essays inHonour of Branko Horvat, Macmillan and St Martin's Press, London and New York,2000; and Discussion Paper n. 4, CNEM-LBS, September 2000.

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