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Third report on monitoring of media reporting on the work of the Parliament

November 2014


Sources for most of the published information recorded in the third report of monitoring of media’s coverage in the period from 1 to 30 November were MPs from only one political party. Information comes most of times from active and elected MPs from the opposition who did not accept the mandates, compared to MPs from the leading coalition. The percentage of information where sources were both from the majority and the opposition reduced by half compared to the previous monitoring periods.

In November, newspapers and televisions once again mentioned the Assembly primarily in the context of the broader political situation in the country, the boycott of the Assembly by the coalition at the opposition led by SDSM and the procedure for revoking the mandates of elected MPs from the opposition. The media informed considerably less about the content of debates and the arguments brought by MPs during plenary sessions and sessions of the parliamentary committees.

Therefore, the public was rarely informed about the events in the Assembly, topics on the agenda and the arguments brought about by the MPs in discussing pending legislations.

The most frequent sources of information published in the media about the Assembly originated from the MPs. But, this percent decreased compared to the two previous monitoring period (19 June - 30 September and October). In November, the media increasingly named as sources of information on the work of the Assembly representatives of the Government and foreign experts who commented on the Parliament’s work.


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