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6th SCRSS Russian Language Seminar

High-Level Russian Listening Comprehension and Discussion


Venue: London (United Kingdom)
Period: 27-28 April, 2013
Application deadline: 12 April, 2013


The seminar is organised by the Society for Co-operation in Russian and Soviet Studies (founded 1924) in association with the St Petersburg Association for International Co-operation, St Petersburg State University, OAO Sankt Peterburgskaya Zemleustroitelnaya Kompaniya and Rossotrudnichestvo.

This popular seminar is a two-day intensive programme of lectures in Russian on contemporary Russian society and politics, culture and modern language usage, given by two senior lecturers from St Petersburg State University in Russia. It is aimed at teachers of Russian, graduates of Russian, final-year undergraduates of Russian and all others who have an advanced-level comprehension of spoken Russian and wish to keep abreast of the latest developments in Russia.

Participants attend four lectures in Russian per day: two in the morning and two in the afternoon. They choose from one of two options for each session.
Lectures last 45 minutes, followed by 30 minutes for discussion.
Note: lectures are in Russian only.

Participants may book a place on one or both days. Participants may also visit the SCRSS’s various libraries and special collections.
The seminar fee includes morning and afternoon tea / coffee and biscuits.
Participants may bring their own lunch or order a buffet lunch provided by the SCRSS.

Booking details:

Date: Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April 2013

Time: 10am - 4.30pm daily (registration 9 - 9.30am)

Venue: SCRSS , 320 Brixton Road, London SW9 6AB

Fee: £50 (one day), £90 (two days)

Lunch (optional): £10 per day

Location and Travel: The SCRSS is in a pleasant green area on Brixton Road, the 3, 59, 133, 159 buses stop outside (Loughborough Road stop).
Tube stations are Brixton (Victoria line) and about 10 minutes walk, or Oval (Northern line) and about 15 minutes walk (or take the bus).
Suburban trains from Kent and from Victoria call at Brixton national rail station, 10 minutes walk.

Participant: Professor Irina Mikhailovna Voznesenskaya

Associate Professor, lecturer in the Department of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (TRFL), Faculty of Philology, St Petersburg State University. Irina Voznesenskaya teaches Russian language to foreign and Russian students. She is the author of some 70 articles and textbooks of Russian language.

Prof. Voznesenskaya's lecture topics:

  • Русский язык сегодня: состояние, тенденции, оценки.  A critique of the state of the Russian language today and its evolution;
  • Новые слова в современной речевой практике. Заимствования и кальки. New words in modern Russian speech: borrowings and calques.
  • Активные процессы в лексике и семантике. Новые значения старых слов. Сленг как источник «внутренних» заимствований. Active processes in lexis and semantics. New meanings of old words. Slang as a source of ‘internal’ borrowings.
  • Человек говорящий: Речевые портреты современников. People speaking: speech portraits of contemporary people.
  • Ключевые слова эпохи (актуальный словарь современности). События последнего времени и их отражение в языке. Key words today (the latest in contemporary usage). Recent events as reflected in the Russian language.
  • Язык и дискурс СМИ: мозаика изданий, жанров, стилей. «Классические» и сетевые СМИ. Media discourse and language: a patchwork of publications, genres and styles. ‘Classical’ and web-based media.
  • Язык в «сетях» Интернета. Общение с компьютером и общение в компьютере. Language in Internet networks. Communication with and through the computer.
  • Современный публичный диалог. Речевое поведение в радио-и телевизионных беседах, интервью, дискуссиях. Contemporary public dialogue. Speech behaviour in radio and television talks, interviews and debates.

Participant: Professor Irina Aleksandrovna Gonchar

Associate Professor, lecturer in the Department of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (TRFL), Faculty of Philology, St Petersburg State University. Irina Gonchar teaches Russian language to foreign students and lectures on TRFL methodology to Russian students. She has delivered the course Russian Regional Studies to Russian and foreign students for more than 10 years. She is the author of many textbooks and academic articles.

Prof. Gonchar 's lecture topics:

  • Лингвокультурный концепт «Россия» по данным ассоциативного эксперимента и текстам русскоязычных СМИиК. The linguo-cultural concept ‘Russia’ as described in an experimental word-association project, and in texts from Russian-language media.
  • Место России в современной архитектуре мира. Russia’s place in contemporary world architecture.
  • Становление гражданского общества в России. The establishment of civil society in Russia.
  • Проблемы молодежи: «эволюция» юношеских идеалов в зеркале историко-культурного контекста (на материале художественных фильмов). Youth problems: the ‘evolution’ of young people’s ideals in their historical and cultural context (as portrayed in fiction films).
  • Острейшие проблемы сегодняшнего российского общества: мигранты. Serious problems in modern Russian society: migrants.
  • Россия и Кавказ. Russia and the Caucasus.
  • Яркие имена в культурном пространстве России последних лет. Famous names in the Russian cultural field of recent years.
  • Великобритания в зеркале российских СМИ. Great Britain as portrayed in the Russian media.

How to participate to the seminar

Application deadline: Friday 12 April 2013
Payment deadline:Friday 19 April 2013

Complete the application form overleaf and return to the SCRSS at the address opposite by 12 April. Please include a cheque made payable to SCRSS or the name / address to send an invoice. They will confirm your booking on receipt of your application.

If you do not pay the fee with your original application, you must do so by 19 April or they reserve the right to cancel your booking. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Early booking is recommended.

Organizer and Partners

Information & contacts

Society for Co-operation in Russian & Soviet Studies (SCRSS)

address: 320 Brixton Road, London SW9 6AB
Tel: +44 020 7274 22 82

Download attachment the application to participate


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