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Proud In Europe? LGBTI Emancipation in Comparative Perspective

Conference venue: Amsterdam, Belgium
Period: 4-5 August, 2016
Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 31, 2016
Deadline for submitting full papers: from February 22, 2016 until March 31, 2016

Description of the Conference

In August 2016, the city of Amsterdam will host Europride. In the two days preceding the canal parade an international scientific conference will take place in collaboration with the Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and its partners. The conference takes Europride as an occasion to question and compare the state of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) emancipation in Europe. Throughout Europe on local, national and supranational levels issues surrounding LGBTI rights have taken central roles on political agendas, within social movements, and in the media. In some contexts debates on LGBTI rights have resulted in social unrest and protests between opposing groups, while in other settings debates on LGBTI rights have resulted in pro-active policy engagement by actors and institutions at various levels of government. Emancipation policy has been both lauded and contested, with its proponents praising pro-active promotion of acceptance of LGBTI identities and its opponents often questioning the conceptualization of emancipation as a clear path to be followed and achieved when set objectives are met. Some governmental actors have even profiled themselves on the development and implementation of LGBTI emancipatory policies. Many changes have taken place in the last several decades regarding LGBTI rights and acceptance in Europe. Many European governments have enacted anti-discrimination legislation, and some countries have legalized various forms of same-sex partnerships. Some local and national governments have also engaged in pro-active policies to promote the acceptance of LGBTI identities. LGBTI representation in a number of media has also continued to rise. Despite many changes throughout Europe, there are a number of issues that are cause for concern amongst LGBTIs: Many people have increasingly voiced concerns about anti-gay violence; LGBTI youth often face discrimination and bullying in schools; Trans, bisexual, and intersex issues deserve to receive much more attention; Critiques of racism and ageism in the mainstream gay and lesbian community have not received sufficient attention; The once extravagant and proud gay and lesbian nightlife seems to be withering. Additionally, some activists and scholars have raised concerns about the normalization of the LGBTI movement and community and the marginalization of queer and sex-radical perspectives. This two-day conference will offer a space to reflect from different European contexts on gains made in the fight for LGBTI rights as well as blind spots and pitfalls encountered on the way. The focus of the conference will be on tracing developments regarding LGBTI politics throughout Europe from various perspectives and disciplines from the social and behavioural sciences, the humanities, and law.

Eligible topics for the conference

Papers can be submitted to one of the following panels

  • Panel 01: Pride and Prejudice: Queer Connections between Sexual Minority Emancipation and Religious Change
  • Panel 02: Sexual Justice?
  • Panel 03: Sexual Citizenship - Are We There Yet?
  • Panel 04: Migration of rights: Europe-Africa legal exchange in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Panel 05: Governments Going Gay? Relations Between LGBT Social Movements and Governmental Actors in Various European Contexts
  • Panel 06: Persistent Homophobia? The Political Marginalization of LGBT Issues and Organizations in Europe
  • Panel 07: Trans* health practice, politics and science
  • Panel 08: Embedding lesbian and gay parenting in various legal contexts within Europe: How legal changes relate to experiences, acceptance and emancipation
  • Panel 09: From the Margins to the Mainstream?
  • Panel 10: Local level, neighborhoods and LGBTQ politics in European cities: A comparative perspective
  • Panel 11: Comparative survey approaches to LGBTI persons, couples and families
  • Panel 12: Beyond the alphabet soup?
  • Panel 13: LGBTI Refugees, Immigration Authorities and the Gay Community
  • Panel 14: More labels or no labels? An interdisciplinary panel on “creating space” for gender ambivalence and diversity
  • Panel 15: Non-binary gender possibilities, practices and identities at the interstice of “Asia” and “Europe”
  • Panel 16: (Re)Formations of transgender activism and politics
  • Panel 17: European perspectives on LGBTI workforce diversity
  • Panel 18: Out! LGBTQI Visibility in Media and Celebrity Culture
  • Panel 19: LGBTIQ politics, homo/heteronationalism and political economy
  • Panel 20: Bisexualities and Equalities in a European context
  • Panel 21: Polyamory: Law and Human Rights
  • Panel 22: How homophiles became gay and proud
  • Panel 23: Emancipated yet suffering in silence? – tackling the stubbornly high prevalence of mental health problems among LGBTI people
  • Panel 24: Same-sex families and the migration experience

For a full description of each panel please see the conference website

Guidelines for submission

The organisers invite paper proposals to be submitted through the conference website:

Please send: Name and email address of the author Title Abstract (up to 300 words)
Deadline for submission: March 31, 2016
Paper proposals can be submitted from February 22, 2016 until March 31, 2016.
Panel conveners will be notified of the decision in mid-April 2016.
Registration fee for presenters and panel organizers: €150 Registration fee for graduate students and participants: €75
Deadline for registration of participants: July 1, 2016.

To contact the organisers please send an email to:


Information & contacts

Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS)



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