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Sunday February 16, 2025
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Poland's War on Radio Free Europe, 1950-1989

edited by: Pawel Machcewicz
translated by: Maya  Latynski
pp: 456
price: Hardback/ £45.00

"A fascinating and dramatic account of an important and often quirky instutition, and of the Polish regime's decades-long campaign to neutralize its impact."—Robert L. Hutchings, University of Texas at Austin

"The work excels in its use of forensic research in Polish secret service archives. It illuminates the world-view of the Polish regime and its secret services."—A. Ross Johnson, former director, Radio Free Europe

For the Soviet bloc the struggle against foreign radio was a principal front in the Cold War. Poland's War on Radio Free Europe, 1950-1989, tells how Poland conducted this fight, a key part of the wider effort to control the flow of information and ideas.

This is the first book in English to use the unique documents of Communist foreign intelligence operations so widely, and it also employes propaganda materials and personal interviews with RFE people and with party and security functionaries. The English translation reflects further discoveries of documentation since the original publication in Polish in 2007.


Author Bio

Pawel Machcewicz is Professor of Humanities at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun and the author of Rebellious Satellite: Poland 1956. He was a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in 1994 and in 2007.


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