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Sunday February 16, 2025
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MOSF Journal of Science Fiction

cover page

MOSF Journal of Science Fiction seeks to uphold the spirit of educated inquiry and speculation through the publication of peer-reviewed, academic articles, essays and book reviews exploring the interdisciplinary nature of science fiction. The journal welcomes unsolicited, original submissions from academics around the world about science fiction in all media (literature, film, television, videogames, art, oral history, etc.). Issues are published three times a year and each issue will feature 8 to 12 academic articles.

The MOSF Journal of Science Fiction's editorial team keeps the journal's Focus and Scope relatively vague on purpose: if you think your work fits with our scope, we want to see it. By keeping our scope broad and interdisciplinary, we're encouraging authors to send us manuscripts that open our eyes to new analyses of the science fiction genre.


Editorial board

Managing Editor
Monica Louzon, Museum of Science Fiction, United States

Heather McHale
Rachel Lazarus
Barbara Jasny

Editorial Board
Nancy Kress
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson
, School of International Service American University, United States
Dr Terence McSweeney, Southampton Solent University, United Kingdom

Peer Review Process

Peer review is an essential tool for ensuring the quality, validity and relevance of scholarly research. All article manuscripts under consideration for publication in MOSF Journal of Science Fiction will undergo a double-blind peer review process (i.e., neither author nor reviewer names will be disclosed).

The journal’s Editorial Team will use Open Journal Systems (OJS) to perform an initial screening of submissions and then to anonymously assign manuscripts to reviewers not employed by the journal. Editors will use OJS to request revisions by article authors when required. The final draft of the article that is published in MOSF Journal of Science Fiction will constitute the final, definitive and citable version of the manuscript.


Principal Contact
Monica Louzon
Managing Editor
Museum of Science Fiction

Direct link to the journal's webpage

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