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"Ideologies" and Theories of Gender in Europe: Part 1, France and Italy

Venue: Leicester, United Kingdom
Period: 20 May 2016


University of Leicester
Ken Edwards Ground Floor
Lecture Theatre 3

2.00pm: Welcome by Dr Michela Baldo & Dr Marion Krauthaker

Session 1 - France
Chair: Dr Marion Krauthaker, University of Leicester
2.10pm: Prof. Marie-Helene Bourcier, University of Lille “The dreamed world of the French anti-djender army: an autopsy of the White Continent”
2.50pm: Response by Dr Robert Kulpa, Nottingham Trent University

3.30pm: Coffee break

Session 2 - Italy
Chair: Dr Michela Baldo, University of Leicester
3.50pm: Dr Lorenzo Bernini, University of Verona “The ‘teoria del gender’ in Italy: a partisan talk on a floating signifier”
4.30pm: Response by Dr Tracy Simmons, University of Leicester and Anna Lavizzari, Brussels School of International Studies

5.10pm: Coffee break

Session 3 - Migrations
Chair: Anna Lavizzari, Brussels School of International Studies
5.30pm: Dr Serena Bassi, Cardiff University “Does it get better? Translation and LGBTI progress narratives”
5.50pm: Kayte Stokoe, University of Warwick “You better Werk: Dragging Language, Imagery, and Praxis across Queer Performance Spaces in Three National Contexts”

6.30pm: Conclusion by Dr Michela Baldo & Dr Marion Krauthaker Michela Baldo Lecturer in Translation Studies

This event, the first of a series of events of the new interdisciplinary research cluster on gender and sexuality at the University of Leicester, will explore the discourses sorrounding the so called "ideologia del gender" in Italy and France and will look at the theories of gender and sexuality to which these discourses refer and at their counter-dicourses. The workshop day will also explore the migration and translation of these theories among France, Italy, the UK and the USA. The event is kindly supported by the SIS (Society for Italian Studies), the ASMI (Association of the Study of Modern Italy), the SFS (Society for French Studies) and the University of Leicester.

How to participate to the Event

Admission is free but please register your interest for the event by sending an email to either Michela Baldo or Marion Krauthaker

Organizer and Partners

Information & contacts

School of Modern Languages,
University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK

t: +44 116 252 2695


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