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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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EIUC - Master in Democratic Governance - Democracy and Human Rights in the Mena Region


Dates: September 2016 - July 2017
First Round of Applications Deadline: 30 May 2016
Second Round of Applications Deadline: 30 June 2016
Location: Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido (Italy) and Ca' Moro, Venice (Italy)


The Master in Democratic Governance is a unique programme designated to meet the needs of students, professionals and experts who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of democratic governance and human rights in the Arab world. It also aims to give practical experience needed for building up their professional career and academic activities.

The Master in Democratic Governance is:
- An intensive advanced course in the field of democracy and human rights;
- Professional Master’s Degree (60 ECTS) from Ca’ Foscari University in cooperation with the other partner Universities;
- An intensive learning combined with an action and policy-oriented approach;
- Comprised of two semesters: one in Venice and the other in a participating University;
- A supervised Master’s thesis in one of the partner universities;
- The foundation for a successful career on national, international, and non-governmental levels.

The Master in Democratic Governance has been made possible by the support of the European Union and the support of the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
It has been shaped and will be taught by high level academics, experts and practitioners from different area studies.
It targets candidates (students and professionals) with a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, experiences and motivations and will offer a multidisciplinary courses of study.

Range of high level academics, experts, officials from a variety of institutions and organisations.
Combination of theory and practice.
Transnational Mobility of students: first semester in Venice, Italy, and then second semester in one of the following universities: Birzeit University (Palestine), Saint Joseph University (Lebanon), International University of Rabat (Morocco).
Possibility to do internships in leading organisations and centres.
A unique learning and human experience for all those involved (students, professionals and faculty) to develop long-term bonds and networks with each other.

The programme consists of two semesters:

  • I semester: From September to January. It is comprised of four modules and takes place at EIUC and Ca´ Foscari in Venice (2016-2017).
  • II semester: From February to May, students are assigned to one of the partner universities in the Middle East and North Africa. The second semester programme includes: lectures or seminars in their host universities and completion of dissertations which could be based on field and Internship work.
  • After a short summer vacation in June combined with additional thesis research, the students will move back to Venice in July for the thesis defense and graduation.

Thanks to the support of the European Union and the Danish Institute for Human Rights, the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) launches the third edition of the Master in Democratic Governance in partnership with the following universities:

  • International University of Rabat (Morocco),
  • Birzeit University (Palestine),
  • Saint Joseph University (Lebanon),
  • Ca’ Foscari University (Italy)
  • University of Carthage (Tunisia)
  • ... and a growing network of partner Universities.

The requirements

DE.MA is open to EU and non-EU citizens.

The criteria used during the selection process are:
- academic ability and background
- experience or knowledge that shows interest in the MENA Region
- language competence
- motivation

Academic requirements
Applicants are required to hold a university degree of a high standard in a field relevant to human rights, including disciplines in law, social sciences and the humanities and must have a minimum of 180 ECTS (Bachelor/General Degree).

Candidatures can be considered as long as the applicant has obtained a degree corresponding to:
- 180 ECTS credits (generally a 3-year course) or
- 240 ECTS credits (generally a 4-year course) or
- A combination of a degree of 180 ECTS and relevant proven additional experience or studies (such as 1-year MA or summer courses)

Applicants completing the degree entry requirements subsequently to the application deadline are requested to provide a current transcript of exams. Eventual admission into the Programme will be conditional upon receipt of documentation of the completed degree (by 31 August 2016).
All selected candidates who hold a non-EU degree are required to produce upon admission a “declaration of value” of their degree. Non-EU candidates are moreover required to obtain a study visa which must cover the entire duration of the academic year (September 2016 – September 2017). Both the study visa and the “declaration of value” are preconditions for enrolment and should be requested from the competent Italian Embassy or representation offices.

Additional studies and experience
Additional studies and practical experience in the area of human rights in inter-governmental, governmental, or non-governmental organisations are helpful.

Language competence
Certified fluency in English is an admission requirement to the programme. While not a prerequisite, the ability to understand lectures and read academic texts in French is a definite advantage for participation in the programme.


The amount of the tuition fee for the academic year 2016/2017 is €4000.

Tuition fees cover the following: all courses of the Master in Democratic Governance, both in the first and second semesters; the reading materials for the first semester; tutorship; access to the EIUC specialised library; individual access to our closed e-learning environment; use of available IT facilities (including wireless area and computer room).

EIUC offers financial support in the form of a partial contribution towards living expenses and/or a full or partial tuition waiver. This type of financial support is awarded to a limited number of students on the basis of academic achievement, need and geographical distribution
Furthermore, all participants will be supported with finding accommodation and with administrative procedures for getting the visa.
Successful applicants will receive a letter of admission and will be requested to pay the fees upon acceptance of the offer. Payments can be made via bank transfer.

For any query about DE.MA - Master in Democratic Governance drop us an email at


Information & contacts

Master in Democratic Governance
European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)

Monastery of San Nicolò
Riviera San Nicolò 26
30126 Venice – Lido

Telephone: +39 041 2720 951
Fax: +39 041 2720 914


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