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Call for Papers - All Quiet on the Eastern Front? World War I in Central and Eastern Europe in the experience of soldiers, social groups and local communities

Conference venue: Krakow, Poland
Period: October 23rd-25th, 2014
Deadline for submitting abstracts: May 5, 2014



For several years succeeding 1914, the world went through the first global military conflict. Undoubtedly, this experience left its mark on the population of Central and Eastern Europe too. However, both historiography and popular idea about WWI is heavily dominated by the perspective of the western front. At the same time, research on the realities of eastern front was, to some extent, neglected by scholars, especially in the fields of social and cultural history. Reconstructing a more detailed picture of Central and Eastern Europe in the times of the Great War can therefore significantly contribute to the better understanding of this unprecedented conflict and its aftermath, as well as the Europe’s contemporary history.

The “All Quiet on the Eastern Front?” research workshop aims at an exchange of practical and methodological experience between scholars form the different fields of historical studies who focus on social history of WWI in Central and Eastern Europe.

Eligible topics

The main research problem that should be addressed by the workshop participants is the question how WWI influenced the lives of individuals, social groups and local communities. This interaction, should, however, be deeply rooted in the specific (cultural, religious or familial) characteristics of the investigated subject. We are interested particularly in research projects capturing the phenomenon of WWI in broader cultural and chronological context, dealing with the war-connected aspects of social continuity and change, as well as comparing and contrasting the experience of groups and individuals across different regions of Europe.

Our research workshop will create the opportunity for the young scholars in different stages of research to present their projects to colleagues and experts as well as to obtain hints, criticism and feedback. The workshop proceedings in form of several papers are going to be published in a special issue of “Prace Historyczne” Zeszyty Naukowe UJ (‘Historical Works’ Academic Journal of the Jagiellonian University). The workshop is going to be accompanied by keynote lectures delivered by experienced scholars in the field, as well as a source studies seminar.

Guidelines for submission

Abstracts, no longer than 300 words, including the title, research questions, description of sources and methods should be sent to: . The deadline for abstract submission is May 5th, 2014. The results of the enrollment will be announced by the end of May 2014.
Abstracts accepted in: Polish, English, German
Workshop fee: 100 PLN


Information & contacts

Institute of History, Jagiellonian University


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