PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Sunday February 16, 2025
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This area collects information about a wide range of books, monographies and edited volumes concerning the countries and themes relevant to PECOB

East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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Books about Central Eastern Europe and the Balkans

PECOB offers a significant number of books, mainly published by universities and scientific institutions.

The books here presented focus primarily on the economic, political and social transition in Central Eastern European countries and the Balkans since the 90s, and on those areas' influence on the widening Europe. Issues concerning gender relations, migrations, regional economic cooperation, religions, nationalism and national identities are broadly discussed. Many books also focus on the history of Eastern Europe, economics and regional cooperation in Central Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Literary works recently trasnlated from Eastern European languages are also included in this section. Some of the books are available for dowload.
Recently added books address issues such as Hungary in 1956, the demise of the Soviet Union, proceedings from a conference on cooperation in the Balkans, Yugoslavia and the 1968 events in Czechoslovakia.

Books published in: multimedia: --- | information: Books | community: --- | Business Area: --- | Scientific library: --- | aree geopolitiche: --- | organizations: --- | historical regions: --- | multimedia authors: --- | texts authors: --- | contemporary regions: --- | multimedia objects: --- | galleries: --- | scientific fields: --- | business surfing areas: --- | courses: --- | iecob: --- | alphabet: --- | energy: --- 2014

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