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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe
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Balkans gas ring pipeline and infrastructure investment policies: a chance for energy regional market

March 2014 | #45

by: Dr Saverio Francesco Massari
pp: 31
ISSN: 2038-632X

Paper's frontpage


Considering the lack of pipelines and infrastructures, natural gas is not widely available in the Balkans and specific policies are required to build new networks in upstream and downstream phase.
In this regard, the South East Europe Energy Community (ECSSE)  is promoting the Balkan Gas Ring pipeline as Project of Interest (PECI).
The new South Eastern Energy Corridor (Azerbaijan to Italy) will be likely in operations in 2018 and then, it would be necessary to encourage the private sector to step-in to the building of infrastructures in order to take the opportunity of strengthening the regional energy market or to create a market where it is still marginal and negligible.  
The Energy Community is strongly aware about the historical opportunity the Balkans could achieve: In its “Study on Recommendation for funding investments in energy Community Gas Ring” the current infrastructures’ network is deeply analyzed in order to identify possible actions for markets’ development.


Abstract in italiano

Considerando la mancanza di infrastrutture e gasdotti nell’area Balcanica non è presente un ben radicato mercato del gas per cui è necessaria una politica dedicata allo sviluppo di reti di distribuzione e approvvigionamento.
A tal proposito, la Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa ha promosso la costruzione del sistema di gasdotti Gas Ring come progetto di vitale importanza.
Il nuovo corridoio energetico di sud est sarà verosimilmente operativo dal 2018 con il flusso di gas proveniente dall’Azerbaijan e quindi è necessario organizzare il mercato regionale perché possa cogliere l’occasione di svilupparsi o di crearsi laddove assente o marginale.
La Comunità Energetica è del tutto consapevole della portata storica di questa opportunità e ha proposto degli studi con i quali si affronta il problema di creare le condizioni ideali per attrarre investitori interessati al mercato infrastrutturale della regione balcanica: nel report “Study on Recommendation for funding investments in energy Community Gas Ring” sono riportare le principali azioni di sostegno a questo processo.


Energy Community, South East Europe, Gas Ring, Infrastructures, Pipelines, Energy Policies, Risk management policies

Table of contents

Gas Ring project: attracting investments in gas the market improvement process
Market based investment approach
Regulated market investment
Hybrid Projects
The Northern and Southern Gas Ring route: infrastructures and market status and a possible risk management approach
The Northern Gas Ring route
Southern Gas Ring Route

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