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Wednesday February 12, 2025
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Academicus International Scientific Journal

journal's cover page
cover page

The International Scientific Journal, “Academicus”, a scientific publication in English language, leaded by an International Editorial Board, brings scientific researches and academicians in a wide arena of discussion as only few other publications of this kind are actually doing.
Conceived as a scientific journal which gives a notable space to research results, including a wide variety of fields and sciences with direct impact on the economic, social, political, legal field and communication as well, indexed in the field 1XX.XX and 3XX.XX of the UDC, Universal Decimal Classification, this journal will collect works and researches developed on the point of view and disciplinary structuring of social and applied sciences as well.
They all will have a direct impact in the improvement of socio-economic indicators of the region, enlarging step by step the definition of what is regional, starting from Western Balkan, Mediterranean and furthermore, following up the integrating processes.
The Editorial Board of this journal, consisting of outstanding names of the academic and scientific community in Europe and Overseas, by their review and critique, will indue to the works selected for publishing, the highest international scientific and publishing standards.
The journal is semi-annual, double blind peer reviewed. Its print ISSN is 2079-3715 and its electronic ISSN is 2309-1088.
The volumes of the International Scientific Journal "Academicus" can be found at the Public Library of Vlore City as well as at the Albanian National Public Library in Tirana.
The International Scientific Journal “Academicus” welcomes works or researches resulted from researchers and academics working in different fields, who are able to fulfill the scientific and editorial requirements of this journal.

Editor in Chief
  • Prof. Arta Musaraj
Editorial board
  • Prof. Musaraj Arta- Entrepereneurship Training Center Vlore, Albania
  • Academic Abazi Alajdin- South East European University Tetovo, Macedonia
  • Prof. Canullo Giuseppe- Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy
  • Prof. Carayol Valerie- University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
  • Prof. Invernizzi Emanuele- IULM University, Milan, Italy
  • Prof. Macioti Maria Immacolata- University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
  • Prof. Marsonet Michele- University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
  • Ambassador Melady Thomas Patrick- Institute of World Politics, Washington, D.C., USA
  • Prof. Oeflke Ted- Sandhills Community College, North Carolina, USA
  • Prof. Vlora Nedin- University of Bari, Bari, Italy
  • English

Since 2010, freely available

Direct link to the journal's webpage
Download some of the latest articles

Smuggling of human beings and connection with organized crime by Dr.Sc. Xhevdet Halili (PhD Faculty of Law, University of Prishtina, Kosovo)

Some consideration about the gender violence in two States of Eastern and Western Europe by Ignazia Bartholini (Ph.D Researcher, Department of Culture and Society, University of Palermo, Italy)

From tolerance to the secular State in Italy by Renata Tokrri (PhD Candidate Faculty of Law, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Lecturer at the Albanian University of Tirana, Albania)

Process of Reconciliation in a Postconflict Macedonia by Biljana Popovska (MA Ministry of Defense, FYROM) and by Zhanet Ristoska (PhD Editor in chief, “Shield” publication of the Ministry of Defense, FYROM Asistent Professor, Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski, Skopje, FYROM)


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