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13TH European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers


Conference venue: Algarve, Portugal
Period: 19-22 April 2022 (the week after Easter)
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 30th June 2021

Note that selected papers from the conference proceedings will be published in special issues of the journals Fuel or Thermal Sciences and Engineering Progress. These papers will be selected after the conference and the authors will be informed separately.

Description of the Conference

The 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers is the latest in a series of very successful Conferences, which have been held in Portugal since 1988. These Conferences have been attended by delegates from over 30 countries and around 90 papers have been presented at each Conference. In particular, the Conferences have attracted many participants from Industry and the wide range of papers have considered fundamental research as well as topics of a more practical and applied nature.

Eligible topics for the conference

Whilst the detailed range of technical topics, which will be covered, will depend on the accepted papers, contributions are invited in any fundamental and applied area of interest in furnace and boiler technology, including:

- Carbon neutral processes
Use of alternative fuels: hydrogen, biomass, ammonia, metals fuels
Carbon capture and usage;
Oxy-fuel and oxygen-enhanced combustion

- Fundamentals
Convective and radiative heat transfer in furnaces and boilers
Pollutant formation and reduction, NOx, SOx, dust, heavy metals,
Mathematical modelling of industrial processes and plant systems;
Simulation and modelling of fundamental processes in gaseous, liquid and solid fuel combustion;

- Technologies
Advanced power generation, including combined generation of process heat and electricity;
Recovery of waste heat from flue gases of process heaters, boilers and incineration plants;
Novel heating strategies and techniques in industrial high-temperature processes;
Incineration and gasification of fuels and wastes;
Fixed bed, fluidised bed and pulverised suspended combustion of solid fuels;

- Design and Operation
Technical design and efficient, economic operation of furnaces and boilers;
Burner design concepts for gaseous, liquid and pulverised solid fuels;
Furnace refractories, and refractory lining design for combustion chambers;
Condition monitoring, advanced measurement technologies and innovative control strategies for boilers and furnaces; safety
Field reports on boiler and furnace commissioning and operation


Title to be announced
Maria da Graça Carvalho,Member of the European Parliament

Hydrogen and its potential to decarbonise the glass industry
Palma González García,Glass Futures, UK

Decarbonising steel heat treatment furnaces and annealing lines
Sébastien Caillat, Fives Group, France

Will hydrogen be the new climate-neutral natural gas?
Gerald Linke,Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (DVGW), Germany

The role of BECCS and hydrogen in delivering Net Zero
Amanda-Lea Langton,University of Manchester, UK

Metal energy carriers: renewable fuels for the future
Philip de Goey,Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Guidelines for submission

Authors that would like to present a paper should submit abstracts with a maximum of 500 words, stating clearly and concisely the purpose of the paper, the method of approach, and significant results and conclusions.

It will be necessary to produce the final papers in English in PDF formatand these will be published in the Conference Proceedings. English is the official language of the Conference and will be used for all printed material, presentations and discussions.

Abstracts will be selected by the Organizing Committee and Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by the 22nd of July 2021. If accepted they will then be invited to proceed with the preparation of their draft papers, which will be subject to review by the Conference Referees.


  • 30th June 2021  -  Submission deadline for abstracts
  • 22nd July 2021  -  Notification of acceptance
  • 15th October 2021  -  Submission deadline for draft papers
  • 7th January 2022  -  Reviewers' comments
  • 22nd February 2022  -  Submission deadline for final papers

Information & contacts

Raquel Reis

Moritz von Schwedler

Address: Rua Gago Coutinho, 185-187 - 4435-034 Rio Tinto - Portugal
tel.: +351 229 734 624 / +351 229 730 747/ +351 91 488 64 39


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