PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday February 10, 2025
Testata per la stampa

The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe

Editors: Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier 
: Cornell University Press, 2005
pp: 274
ISBN: 9780801489617
Price: $24.95

In May 2004, eight former Eastern Bloc countries joined the European Union: the three Baltic republics, Poland, Hungary, the Czech and Slovak republics, and Slovenia. What is involved in "accession"? How have accession dynamics affected and been affected by the domestic politics of candidate countries and their adoption of EU rules?

In this carefully designed volume of original essays, the editors have brought together a group of scholars with first-hand research experience in the new member-states of Central and Eastern Europe. Framed by opening and concluding chapters by Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier that outline several aspects of preparation for accession, the empirical case studies discuss a variety of topics, including democracy and human rights, the reform of state administrations and economic, social, and environmental policies. This book demonstrates the importance of the credibility and the costs of accession conditionality for the adoption of EU rules in Central and Eastern Europe.


Table of contents


1. Introduction: Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe
by Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier
2. The Impact of EU Political Conditionality
by Frank Schimmelfennig, Stefan Engert, and Heiko Knobel
3. The Adoption of Nondiscrimination and Minority Protection Rules in Romania, Hungary, and Poland
by Guido Schwellnus
4. Europeanization and Civil Service Reform in Central and Eastern Europe
by Antoaneta L. Dimitrova
5. External Incentives and Lesson-Drawing in Regional Policy and Health Care
by Wade Jacoby
6. Regulating the Flow of People Across Europe
by Heather Grabbe
7. The Europeanization of Environmental Policy
by Liliana B. Andonova
8. The Transfer of EU Social Policy to Poland and Hungary
by Beate Sissenich
9. Diverging Effects of Social Learning and External Incentives in Polish Central Banking and Agriculture
by Rachel Epstein
10. Europeanization Research East and West : A Comparative Assessment
by Adrienne Héritier
11. Conclusions: The Impact of the EU on the Accession Countries
by Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier



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About the Authors

Frank Schimmelfennig is Professor of European Politics and member of the Center for Comparative and International Studies. His main research interests are in the theory of international institutions and European integration and, more specifically, in EU enlargement, differentiated integration, democracy promotion, and democratization.

Ulrich Sedelmeier
is a reader in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He obtained his PhD from the University of Sussex and was previously associate professor of International Relations and European Studies at Central European University, Budapest. His research interests include theories of international institutions and the European Union’s external relations, in particular its eastern enlargement and the impact of conditionality in candidate countries and its eastern neighbourhood.

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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