PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday February 10, 2025
Testata per la stampa

Post-Communist Transition To A Market Economy. Lessons And Challenges

edited by: Domenico Mario Nuti and Milica Uvalic
published by: A. Longo Editore
pp: 404
ISBN: 88-8063-381-3
price: € 25.00

Book's frontpage

This book is the second in the series of four volumes, dedicated to countries in transition in Central and South Eastern Europe, which today are also members of the Central European Initiative (originally known as the Quadrangolare).
Promoted by the Italian government, the Central European Initiative has since its launching in 1989 expanded to include seventeen countries, in addition to Austria, Hungary, Italy, and former Yugoslavia as its founding members, a number of countries from the former communist world which, after the fall of the Wall of Berlin, decided to join this regional initiative.
The volume contains seventeen essays dedicated to the transition to a market economy in Central and South Eastern Europe, which are the product of research initiated in 1999 on different aspects of the post communist transition. The papers address some of the crucial problems of transition, the main lessons learned during the last twelve years, and the key challenges ahead.
Relying on knowledge and experts of the International Network Europe and the Balkans created in 1993 at the University of Bologna, this inter-disciplinary project involved more than fifty European and American scholars dealing with different aspects of transition, of which around a third were economists that contributed to the present volume. Economic aspects of the post-communist transition are analysed within three groups of topics: key issues of transition, the rich experience with economic reforms in individual countries members of the Central European Initiative, and international aspects linked to prospects of regional and EU integration.


Table of Contents

Milica Uvalic and Domenico Mario Nuti, Twelve Years of Transition to a Market Economy

Part One - Specific Problems of Transition
Grzegorz Kolodko, Globalisation and Catching-up. From Recession to Growth, in Transition Economies
Vojmir Franicevic, Some Considerations on Post-Socialist Entrepreneurship
Daniel Daianu, Can Further Economic Decline be Stopped in South Eastern Europe?
Krassen Stanchev, Interdependencies and Cooperation in South East Europe
Luigi Bruzzi, Roberta Guerra, and Claudia Rinaldi, The Right to a Clean Environment in Central East European Countries. Sustainable Development During Post-Communist Transition

Part Two - Country Studies
Marta Muco and Luljeta Minxhozi, Albania. An Overview Ten Years After
Vesna Stojanova, Development Perspectives: Transfer of Know-How. Foreign Direct Investment and Joint Ventures in Macedonia and Countries in the Balkan region
Petr Pavlík, Economic Transformation in the Czech Republic. What Went Wrong?
Boris Tihi and Senada Bahto, Small Businesses in a Transition Economy. The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dragoljub Stojanov, Supply-Side Industrial Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Miroljub Labus, Transition in FR Yugoslavia a Year After Radical Political Changes

Part Three - Integration and European Union Enlargement
Andrea Segrè, The Common Agricultural Policy Reform Process and the Centred and East European Countries' Accession to the European Union
Panagiotis Liargovas and Dionysios Chionis, Economic Integration between the European Union and the Transition Economies of the Central European Initiative Countries
Tamas Réti, Hungary's Trade and Capital Export Relations with the CEFTA Countries
Barlosz Otachel, Trade Between Poland and the European Union in the 1990s
Joze Mencinger, Enlargement and Convergence? A Sceptical View from the East


List of Contributors


PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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